A lecture was held at the Design & Decoration Centercopyright specialist Zhanna Smal. Important issues of copyright and intellectual property protection in the field of interior design were discussed. Traditionally, the roomble.com portal acted as an information partner of the Design&Decoration Center event. Lawyer Zhanna Smal has been working in this field for over fifteen years, helping designers achieve justice in pressing legal issues. That is why her lecture was held at the Design & Decoration Center as part of the Design Focus program, to which industry experts were invited. It was devoted to copyright protection and other important legal aspects of the designer's profession.
The meeting started right away with the main aspectlectures - the need to conclude an Agreement, which will spell out all the conditions and stages of interaction between the parties. The work of an architect or designer is intellectual property, and, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely its fourth chapter, falls under the category of copyright. The author of the project is the one by whose creative efforts it is created, so it is necessary to document everything at the very beginning of the partnership. Verbal agreements will not have any legal force in subsequent disputes, since they, like ideas, are not protected by copyright. But as soon as the idea appeared on the sketch, it is not the end, there must be a date and a certified copy.
The nature of the contract is also important.The name that is initially given to it determines all further communication. A contract for work, an author's order for the creation of an interior or a draft design, author's supervision - the nature is determined by the author himself, and it is from the nature of the contract that the court will start, if it comes to it. It is necessary to specify the amount of the contract, methods of payment, authorship and stages of development, up to the delivery of furniture. Almost immediately, questions began and the monologue smoothly flowed into a dialogue full of emotions and answers. Each of those present wanted to understand their specific situation, so most of the time was spent directly communicating with the audience. As a result, no one left without receiving at least a grain of useful knowledge, which then, without a doubt, can be successfully applied in their work practice.
On November 26, a seminar on copyright in architecture and design was held – etk-fashion.com