And in a tiny space there is room for colorfullittle things. Our selection is an indisputable proof of this. The sea-green table next to the bed is a box on long curved legs, it does not require a large area, but its shape and color are pleasing to the eye. It is impossible not to love it.
A chest of drawers in the currently popular vintage genre. It seems to hang in the air on almost unnoticeable slanted legs, and visually practically does not absorb space.
Tall floor lamp on a hinge.Its base is small - it will fit almost anywhere. This model is much more comfortable than usual - the flexible head can be turned to a sofa, armchair or work area. In small apartments, this is often located nearby, and there is no need to buy a lamp for everyone.
If you only have 30-40 sq.m, it may seem at first glance that there is no time for pompous chairs. However, why refuse it if you can simply replace it with a compact model, and in addition, it is also mobile - it is easy to move with the help of wheels in the front part.
Well, and a little bit of folk motifs.This Chinese-style chair is not only very beautiful and comfortable, but also practical - if you need to free up space, you can simply fold it up and place it against the wall.
Any of these objects will add a cheerful mood to your home and will perfectly fulfill its purpose, storing precious centimeters.
5 spectacular interior items for a small apartment