
9 most popular types of materials for covering the terrace -


How to choose the right one among the presentedon the market a material for covering a terrace? We asked the same question and compiled a list of the most popular options. Until summer, a few more months, and dreams of a terrace and a quiet rest on it already warm your heart and soul? And the only problem is that there is no terrace yet, but its construction is already in the plans? The selection of material will be the most important issue in this matter. Especially the choice of flooring. This will be discussed right now, so that you can immediately order the material you like most and start building a terrace. Material 1. Board This material was and remains the most common and affordable option for the floor of the terrace, veranda or any other extension to the house. It is as environmentally friendly as possible, aesthetically pleasing and comfortable both for the eye and for the senses. As for the selection of a specific breed, the thickness and width of the boards, as well as the height of their laying, then there are no restrictions - it all depends only on the wishes of the owner. Don't forget to apply an impregnation for durability. Editorial opinion: - During the rains, the board on the open terrace becomes very slippery, and if the floor is fitted as tightly as possible, then the water literally has nowhere to go. To avoid this, the flooring is not made solid, but with gaps, or a whole system of water collectors is thought out. Material 2.Decking Another name for the material is decking. It is a wood-polymer composite that is processed in a special way. The aforementioned thermoplastic polymers are mixed with crushed wood and subjected to dense mechanical stress. In terms of properties, decking is much better than the same board, it is perfectly processed, withstands the effects of both heat and moisture. It is also pleasant to the touch. Material 3.Liquid Wood This new product from Rehau is available in stores and is a coating with unique properties. Technically, the material consists of environmentally friendly polymers, sawdust and chemical additives that are sintered together under high pressure. As a result, the feeling was the same board again, but the advantages characterize the novelty favorably: resistance to atmospheric and physical influences, to the appearance of mold and decay, as well as high mechanical strength. Material 4.Clinker brick The service life of this material is unlimited. The terrace, the floor of which is made of clinker bricks, looks especially beautiful, and the view becomes even more beautiful over time. Once again, a natural material is at the core - a special clay, it is mixed with additives and fired at a temperature of 1,260 degrees, thus obtaining a high-strength brick, from which even paths and fireplaces are made. Editorial opinion: - It must be remembered that clinker brick is a rather fragile material during cold weather. As a result of freezing water, it can simply collapse. Material 5.Porcelain stoneware And again, manufacturers declare with confidence that the service life of the coating is not limited, as well as the number of variations. Externally, the material looks like a tile. The composition includes ceramics and natural granite. Specifically for terraces, porcelain stoneware is usually used only with a rough or embossed surface and preferably matte. Editorial opinion: - In winter, the tile becomes very slippery, as it is covered in freezing with thin ice. Another disadvantage is coldness, in the same winter there is nothing to do on it without shoes. And in summer, not everyone likes to walk on a cool surface. Material 6.Concrete One of the main advantages of concrete is that it is the cheapest material and at the same time the most durable. Easy to install and operate, it is capable of imitating any material. can be either a homogeneous mass or include additions of stone chips - basalt, marble, granite. Editorial opinion: - The concrete surface completely blocks the outflow of moisture. And during cold weather it is definitely not worth making a terrace from this material, since low temperatures will adversely affect the setting and hardening processes. Material 7.Stone Stone, like marble, is a natural material and is also used to make the terrace floor. But it is important to remember that some types of stone can only be used under a canopy, since harsh and frequent atmospheric influences will affect the condition of the surface. Or you should apply an impregnation, which, in addition to protecting it, will give the surface an even more saturated color. Material 8.Rubber There are a large number of synthetic materials that are commonly used in sports fields, but these materials are suitable as a deck flooring. They are available in both tiles and rolls. Pros: hygiene, resistance to temperature extremes, durability, pleasant tactile feelings and even fire resistance. Material 9.Artificial grass How pleasant it is to leave the house in the morning and feel the gentle touch of grass under your feet! Almost the same feeling will be given by this coating, which contains polypropylene fibers, which are attached to the latex base. The coating is supplied in rolls, the cost is small, but there is also a drawback - fragility.

