What to do if standard air freshenersdon't bring the desired aroma? From our article you will learn with the help of which houseplants you can bring pleasant smells into the interior Houseplants not only decorate any room with their presence. What they are loved for so much is the most wonderful aromas that spread throughout the house, working stronger than a store-bought sachet or air freshener. In addition, the smell of the plant is natural, unlike chemical analogs, which means that at least one pot with a flower in the room will be very beneficial for health. What to choose? Plant 1: orchid The queen of indoor plants is . It opens up a whole new world to its owners. There are hundreds of varieties, a large number of orchid lovers' clubs. A whole business is built on these flowers, and in general, this houseplant is considered an expensive hobby. Accordingly, caring for an orchid is not easy. The first thing to remember is that this plant is afraid of direct sunlight. That is, the light should only be diffused so that the flowering is regular and pleases the eye for as long as possible. The rays should be darkened, but if there are too few of them, you need to buy lamps with fluorescent lamps. The night temperature should be at least 12 degrees. The plant should be watered 2-3 times a week.
Plant 2:Eucharis "Eucharis" is translated into Russian as "the most pleasant". Another name for this houseplant is the Amazon lily. Flowers bloom twice a year, the aroma is so pleasant and delicate that it immediately creates the most exquisite atmosphere. Eucharis is a rather large plant, intolerant to temperature changes, but very unpretentious. It needs to be planted in a tight pot, and watered rarely - only a couple of times a week during the flowering period. The subsequent dormant period allows the plant to gain strength without losing its beauty.
Plant 3:Hoya A strong sweet smell, especially in the evenings, will also be given off by Hoya - wax ivy. In appearance, similar to a liana, this indoor plant does not require complex handling. Having chosen the right place (windows facing either east or west), when the first buds appear, you should not touch the Hoya and let it bloom calmly, watering it abundantly. It will bloom for about six months. At other times, the plant needs to be bathed, immersing it in warm water for 40 minutes.
Plant 4:lemon Lemons, tangerines or other fruit-bearing plants can be classified into one group of plants. Ideal for interior decoration, as they bloom beautifully and the fruits delight with their appearance and taste. And the leaves attract with a pleasant and fresh smell. It can even be grown from a seed, but this must be done very carefully, as lemon is very capricious. It should be replanted a couple of times a year, watered more often (it is better to spray), and a sunny and warm place should be chosen, constantly turning the pot so that the tree does not grow one-sided.
Plant 5:Jasmine Home jasmine will decorate your interior, and the smell of flowers is so strong that they are often used to make perfumes and toilet water. When buying this plant, you need to know that only a few varieties are suitable for keeping at home. But the search will subsequently bring only pleasant impressions, when the former pink buds suddenly become snow-white and fragrant. Proper observance of the temperature regime and watering with filtered water will allow you to enjoy the plant for a long time.
Plant 6:Araucaria You can also keep a coniferous plant in your home, and not necessarily for the New Year. The evergreen araucaria has a pleasant and tart coniferous aroma, saturating the air with forest freshness and adding a special charm to the interior. It can grow up to two meters in height, loves diffused lighting and requires a high level of humidity. In summer, the araucaria must be sprayed twice a day.
Plant 7:Geranium Geranium, or pelargonium, grows in many houses, having chosen it precisely because of the unpretentiousness of the plant, which is characterized by rapid and intense flowering. Geranium can please the eye with its appearance all year round and is absolutely not afraid of the sun. The spicy tart aroma, emitted not by flowers, but by leaves, drives away moths and midges. Frequent watering is not necessary, but it is usually advised to add water as soon as the earthen lump has dried out a little. Geranium will look great both on the windowsill and behind it, attracting with its aesthetic appearance and color variety, but it must be remembered that at low temperatures it still stops blooming.
Plant 8:Myrtle Another evergreen plant, considered a symbol of purity and innocence, since according to legend, it was myrtle that Adam brought from paradise. Essential oils are extracted from the leaves and shoots, dried leaves are used as a spice, and the aroma is not only mesmerizing, but also has antibacterial properties. The smell of myrtle can kill up to 85% of microbes in the room. The foliage must be sprayed in the summer, the flower must be watered regularly, and in the winter as little as possible, observing the dormant period.
Plant 9:Mirabilis A very simple plant that exudes a wonderful aroma that can replace any flavoring agent. And pink, red, white and yellow flowers will perfectly diversify your balcony or windowsill, blooming in the afternoon and remaining like this all night. Watering is required once a week, and several times per season it is necessary to feed with fertilizer. This is where the difficulties of care end, and all summer long Mirabilis will delight the eye and sense of smell.
Editorial opinion:— Strongly scented flowers are not very good for the home, and especially for the bedroom. Allergies or too strong a smell can cause headaches. And as a rule, anything that smells strongly or blooms profusely is short-lived, especially if you do not follow the care recommendations. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time admiring each of the plants, smelling the aroma and choosing the most pleasant one. Or take plants with good greenery. For example, herbs that smell delicious and are useful in food are laurel, mint, thyme, lavender, savory, dill, onion.
9 House Plants Instead of Air Fresheners and Sachets – etk-fashion.com