The main holiday of winter is just around the corner, and you still haveno New Year's mood? Today, talented designer Vitalia Romanovskaya will show you how she managed to create a festive atmosphere in the house. It must be said that Vitalia Romanovskaya did this project especially for , and it turned out so cool that we decided to share with you the secrets of this wonderful New Year's decor. Vitalia Romanovskaya Vitalia Romanovskaya graduated from the Togliatti State University of Service, studied at the design department. Then she graduated from the Higher School of Environmental Design MArchI. She has no favorite or unloved styles. Each time inspired by a new project, she completely immerses herself in the theme, creating a unique interior that meets the client's requests. In order to create a New Year's mood, it is not necessary to use frosty patterns, snowflakes... Add colors to the interior - and a holiday will come to the house! Vitalia Romanovskaya, designerThe fireplace wall is decorated with three-dimensional plasterpanels of bright purple color. These panels form a single wall panel with a “gloss” effect. It blends in organically with the walls treated with white plaster.
Articles on the topic The voluminous purple glossy panel - like a mirror surface - beautifully reflects light reflections from the colored ceiling.
To make such a ceiling, you will need about80 meters of LED strip and a special perforated sheet through which light penetrates the room. By the way, the project used latex photo printing, only with its help can you get such rich and bright colors.
This interior was created usingwith a "bark beetle" effect - it feels like bugs have eaten grooves in it. First, the plaster is applied with a spatula in a one-centimeter layer. Then it is rubbed down to the desired effect. Small fractions tore through the base and those same amazing passages of the bark beetle were obtained. Then an acrylic-based varnish with a precious stone shine effect was applied to the walls. The mirror frame and partition are made of burnt clapboard and covered with colored oil.
Glassware also served as a bright color accent. In general, the overall color scheme already sets the mood for a festive, relaxed mood.
Articles on the topic Kitchen apron,made of white tempered glass, it looks modern and beautiful. In addition, it is easy to wash. The kitchen itself is quite laconic, without open shelves. There is a refrigerator behind the decorative partition.
The project was perfectly complemented by furniture in the retro style of the sixties (by the way, this is a trend for the coming year): a table, chairs and a minimalist chest of drawers with a herringbone print.
A fireplace with a live flame effect is built into a structure (fireplace frame) made of burnt clapboard.
The tree was specially chosen in white to complete the interior color palette. And, of course, because W is the trend this winter.
New Year's decor with our own hands: use violet color