Have you ever thought about how beautifulput pillows on the bed? If you answered negatively, then most likely you are one of those who simply make the bed with a bedspread in the morning, which means this material is definitely for you. Finally, American fashion has reached our latitudes, and it is quite possible that in the bedrooms of your relatives or friends you have already seen pillows laid out in a special way. This is by no means a whim: the decor of the bed reflects the personality and taste of the owners in the same way as paintings in the living room or a table in the kitchen. Just imagine how it will be transformed if you decorate it with bright decorative pillows with a variety of patterns. Want to try? Then use one of these methods.
Corner to corner In the West this option causesThere is much debate: some people think it is too prim and strict, others think it is too ostentatious, like in a furniture salon. We believe that in moderate doses, strictness can be quite appropriate, especially in classic interiors. And decorative pillows or bed linen in bright colors and with a contrasting pattern will help to reduce the degree of formality.
Three Comrades Three pillows in a row is greatsolution for any style. They look restrained and original, but not boring at all (considering that we are used to seeing two pillows in a row). To make this composition look good, try to choose textiles from the same series, even better if it matches other interior elements too: for example, with a carpet, curtains or decor.
In neat rows This is the way to arrange the pillowsis closer in spirit to the European pragmatic approach: no lush decorative pillows of fancy shapes and colors, but still beautiful. For those who are not ready to spend time every day to arrange pillows corner to corner, we recommend folding them horizontally. And decorative elements, of course, are not prohibited.
Complete set Do you want your bedroom to be likefrom the picture? A great solution is to buy a full set of pillows. As a rule, it includes several pairs of decorative pillows of different sizes (you can also include regular ones here) and a long soft bolster. This composition looks very beautiful and resembles either palaces from Arabian fairy tales or princess chambers.
Our opinion:— If you love everything unusual and individual, put together such a set of pillows yourself. You can combine it with bed linen, other sleeping textiles and even wallpaper. In geometric progression Just imagine an endless ocean of pillows laid out in neat rows. You no longer have to choose: take those with a bright floral print or these snow-white ones with monograms. Let there be not just a lot of pillows, but a lot. Yes, it may take 30 seconds longer than usual to make and unmake the bed, but it's worth it.
Without prejudice Who said that pillows shouldlie on the bed perfectly flat and only symmetrically? If you can't stand stiffness, love experiments and find the parallel layout too boring, then just add a little chaos to the bed. Bright colors, mismatched patterns and just randomly thrown pillows can also be beautiful and cozy.
Our opinion:— To ensure that your bed pillow decor is not simply copied from magazine photos but reflects your taste, choose those that you personally like or perhaps mean something to you. Vintage can be combined with modern patterns, stripes with polka dots, and red with orange. And we tell you how to correctly combine patterns on decorative pillows in this .
Pillows on the bed: the best reception for the interior decor of the bedroom