Organization of space

Child room design: how to organize a place to sleep a child


When a child grows up, he becomes cramped inCradle and there is a need to organize a full place for sleep. What should you remember when choosing the first bed for a baby, and how to make it bring only benefits and be safe? This is what we are talking about today. The place for sleeping a child should not only be comfortable, but also safe. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as the material of the bed, the composition and stiffness of the mattress, the area of ​​the room. What an ideal baby bed should consist ofThe material must be environmentally friendly, and the fasteners must be reliable. It is best if the bed is made of wood and varnished - this guarantees that the child will not have splinters. MDF beds are also acceptable, but bright plastic cribs for children are best left on the shop window, since the plastic releases styrene, the vapors of which are toxic and cause allergies. Of course, there is safe plastic, but a crib made of it will cost like two beds made of natural wood, which not every parent can afford. What should be the mattress Mattress shouldfit the bed and be rigid. Of course, it is ideal to use a special orthopedic mattress, as it helps to strengthen the spine, which is very important for the child's health. The mattress should be made of hypoallergenic fillers. It is allowed to use models, the basis of which consists of seaweed or coconut flakes, since while the baby is sleeping, such materials produce a gentle massage and relax the body. If you see that the composition of a children's mattress includes polyurethane foam or spunbon, you should know that such a mattress can be used - these synthetic materials are non-toxic and safe. The children's bed must have bumpers!It happens that the baby sleeps restlessly and tosses and turns in his sleep, which can cause him to fall to the floor. In order to avoid this, the crib should have low sides. If there are no sides, they can easily be replaced by pillows or blankets rolled into rollers and placed around the perimeter of the bed. Where to place the baby bed When the baby is small,he is better off sleeping in a lullaby in his parents' bedroom: he sees mom and dad and feels safe. It is necessary to teach the child to sleep in his room gradually, for a start, you can put a baby bed instead of a lullaby in the parent's bedroom for a while - so the baby will not have stress from a sudden change in conditions. Later, when he gets used to the new bed, it can be moved to his room, but do not forget the first days after that to more closely check the child's sleep state. What should be a children's room The most importantfactors in the nursery are insolation (sunlight penetration) and air volume. Therefore, the windows of the nursery should be oriented on the territory of our country to the south or southwest, since this allows direct light to penetrate the maximum amount of time, and the volume of air in the nursery should be at least 12 cubic meters - this is how much oxygen is consumed by the child during 8 hours of sleep. When a child grows up and sleeps in his room, it's a blessing for parents who also need to think about how to change their place to sleep - but we'll talk about this in the next article.

