In mid-October at the Moscow Arts CenterThe third architectural breakfast organized by Rehau took place. This time the discussion turned to issues of the intersection of technical capabilities of various companies and the creativity of designers. The topic of discussion was architecture and housing and communal services, which are now obliged to exist inseparably from each other. The event was attended by representatives of Rehau, which organized the third architectural breakfast, as well as designers, architects and representatives of the press. The meeting was moderated by Andrey Beloedov, Marketing Director for Eastern Europe.A. Kotlyarov, S. Kashin, E. Silantyeva
Anton Karyavkin
How can housing and communal services get along?with high art? It was not by chance that the name of the breakfast was chosen — “Create Cannot Use”, because the problem of combining the requirements of each of the parties always forces a choice to be made in favor of only one of them. The role of engineers and designers has now increased due to the development of technology, and architects have to put up with this. The main thing in any project today (and this was announced closer to the end of the meeting) is to find a golden mean between the norms with SNiPs, which are important for builders, and beauty with innovations, which designers advocate more for.
Anton Kotlyarov
Stanislav Kashin It is important that producers “not"constrained" architects and designers in the possibilities of materials that they would use one way or another. The problems of designing modern buildings were also touched upon, and the outcome of the meeting was a proposal to create a configurator of standard solutions for living space, which would allow each party working on the project to coordinate their actions taking into account their own interests and the wishes of the customer.
Julia Kurepova
Ekaterina Silantyeva
Housing or architecture - how to choose the right side