Big names and famous brands are uniting,to create the best. We have already witnessed some completely unexpected collaborations, but how can you keep a calm face when you receive information like this: Riva 1920, Lamborghini and Karim Rashid have made an entire furniture collection!It included five items - two types of tables,sofa, chair and shelving unit. Standard products, it would seem, but what a fantastic execution! All items in the collection are characterized by sinuous shapes and are made of walnut and black leather. A living room decorated in this style will look as elite as possible, and the philosophy of the famous car company and Italian factory will be guessed in every detail.
Combination of natural materials and modernproduction methods has borne fruit. The design of the new line is unique, so it turned out to be worthy of an entire stand in Milan. The entire collection will be presented to the public during the Salone del Mobile 2017 exhibition from July 4 to 9. The owners of Lamborghini explained such an interesting collaboration by the fact that they wanted to demonstrate the DNA of their car brand not only through luxurious sports supercars, but also through interior design. The collection was developed by Karim Rashid, who, according to him, managed to do a truly unique thing - combine manual production and next-generation technologies in one project.
Karim Rashid and Lamborghini created a joint collection of furniture