If you are the owner of a tiny balconyand are used to considering it a useless interior appendix, read this material. You will see that even a small space can be made functional Have you been thinking about expanding your living space by adding a loggia or balcony to the room for a long time? First, you need to insulate it, then glaze it, and then coordinate everything correctly. Read about each stage in detail in our selection of materials. Insulating a balcony allows you to expand the possibilities of its use, for example, you can arrange an office or a greenhouse with houseplants on a warm balcony. What is important to consider and how to properly insulate a balcony - .They can successfully become an important part of the residentialspace. The main thing is to set the task correctly and not get confused in the wealth of possibilities. If you need a useful area for storing seasonal sports equipment or a terrace for quiet summer tea parties, there is no point in spending money on complex and expensive structures. It's a different matter if you want to make your balcony habitable all year round. Both glazing options - warm and cold - have their pros and cons. Which one should you choose?
Articles on the topic Places in the house are neverthere are many, so when we get a chance to have our own home, even if it is only a few square meters, we are eager to take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, the addition of such spaces as a loggia and a balcony always excites the imagination of homeowners. And although by law these are non-residential premises, nevertheless, many people try to make them habitable.
It is obvious that with significant financialinvestments, even a small balcony can be equipped like a king. But what to do if the family budget does not provide for an item of expenses for repairs? Then it is necessary to analyze the initial data in detail, assess the potential and determine the most rational ways of using the available outdoor space. We offer you , each of which is suitable for a certain type of small balcony or loggia.
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Balcony repair: glazing, heating, joining and decoration