Many restaurants use chalk boards fordisplaying your menu, because they not only convey information to visitors, but also look very stylish. We will teach you how to make a compact analogue of a menu board for the kitchen with your own hands If there are several people in your family, especially if some of them are children, you probably hear the question several times a day: "What's for lunch (breakfast, dinner)?" In order not to tire yourself with unnecessary explanations, it is best to somehow organize the information about the menu. We do not at all suggest that you print out 3 different lists of dishes in several copies every day and hand them out to your household. It will be much easier and more effective to write the names of the dishes on a chalk board, similar to those found in almost every restaurant. But thanks to our master class, your board will be much more compact and aesthetically pleasing.
You will need:
- metal or silver tray, preferably withdecorative edge (this is the one used in our example, but you can choose other dining objects with a smooth surface: a dish, a cutting board or something else);
- black spray paint with the effect of a chalkboard (now such products are offered by many manufacturers, for example Tikkurila);
- masking adhesive tape.
Clean, degrease and dry the surface of the tray.Cover its decorative edge and handles with masking tape. Note: the edges of the tape should fit tightly to the surface.
Apply paint to the tray using spray paint.Your movements should be quick and even. First apply one layer, then another. Leave the tray to dry. After the time specified in the paint instructions, carefully remove the masking tape.
Place your menu tray on a stand or hang it on the wall where everyone in the house can see it and find out what's for dinner.