It will be hosted by one of the brightest youngRussian architects Eric Valeev. The title is very intriguing: "From minus to plus: how to turn the minuses of a location into the pluses of a concept" The head and founder of the IQ Studio architectural bureau is waiting for everyone at the MARCH architectural school on Tuesday, March 21, for his lecture on the secrets of masking flaws. There is no such thing as ideal housing; every apartment, house or public space has its own problems. So how can you turn minuses into pluses? What materials should be used and how can you give architecture more beauty and expressiveness?Eric Valeev is a young Russian architect,has already become a member of the Union of Architects of Russia, has many prestigious awards, constantly participates in competitions, and founded his own bureau almost 10 years ago. Over the course of its existence, this studio has implemented a large number of projects - residential and public. Eric himself adheres to the idea that architecture is not just a place where people exist in comfort, but also the most powerful emotional unit that connects many spheres of life. He follows this concept in all his projects, so it will be very interesting to attend his lecture and listen to what and, most importantly, how he will speak. The lecture begins at 19:00. Admission is free, you just need to register at the link:
The MARCH school invites you to a free master class on eliminating defects