
What character, such and the interior?


Want to learn more about the nature and inclinationsthe person? Pay attention to what things surround him and in what style the atmosphere of his house or apartment is sustained It is believed that people of middle and golden age prefer classics in everything, including in the interior of their home. This is partly true, since the main features inherent in the classics are solidity, reliability, to some extent even monumentality. Over the years, people get used to the comfort that surrounds them, avoid drastic changes, exotic innovations.

The mood dictates the style

But age does not always determine the imagelife and environment. Although modern interior solutions in high-tech and techno styles are more to the liking of young people, the older generation does not neglect some bold decisions. In the same way, some young creatures feel more comfortable in the atmosphere of ancient interiors, evoking images of old castles, secrets of the past, fairy princes and princesses. The primary in the perception of the surrounding world are the personal qualities of a person and the characteristics of his psychotype. In other words, what the character is, so is the choice of the interior. Choleric people do not like to sit still, they need to constantly learn something new, run forward, change the world on a small and large scale. This also leaves an imprint on the arrangement of interiors. Choleric people like to change their surroundings more often, they are prone to experiments, they quickly get bored with monochromatic furniture and accessories, the strict color of wallpaper and curtains. They need any changes, whether it be a simple rearrangement of old furniture or its complete replacement with ultra-modern. Melancholic people are the complete opposite of choleric people, and they would rather prefer to spend many years in an environment to which they are accustomed than agree to some significant changes that violate the established way of life. Phlegmatic and sanguine people can behave unpredictably, their choice is determined by mood, pressure of circumstances and just a whim.

The past and the future are united in the present

Designers contrast classics andhigh tech. It is believed that addiction to one trend completely excludes adherence to another. Of course, the contrasts of styles are evident. And if everything is clear with the classics, then the fashionable high-tech deserves special attention. The etymology of this word, borrowed from the English language, goes back to the term "high technology". And not in vain: this style has incorporated the most advanced achievements of science and technology, while it combines functionality and minimalism. Glass, metal, mirrors are used for decoration. But more and more often the classic "interferes" in high-tech,complementing futuristic interiors with elements of old brickwork, natural stone and even fabric and wood details and decorations. And it does not seem pretentious if such a decision comes from a specialist with good taste and great experience. It is important to use the color scheme carefully. The combination of old and new suggests a calm range of tones. These are gray, white and beige, which can be complemented by red, green, blue or yellow. Whichever style you choose for the interior of your home, the main thing is the feeling of comfort and convenience, the rest is just details.,,

