Alignment of wall surfaces at all timeswas considered a very complex process. But the high-quality result of such work will then be able to please you not only in a decorative sense, but also in its functional characteristics.The walls in panel houses are usually not completely even, which is why they need to be leveled.
Why you need to align the panel walls
Today, approximately half of allresidential buildings are . But it is important to determine the main points that make leveling the walls in a panel house with your own hands necessary. After all, a panel house is easy to build if you have the equipment. And the time spent on the construction process is significantly reduced.Tools needed to level walls.
To achieve all the above mentioned advantagesand to carry out the work efficiently and in the shortest possible time, it makes sense to consider in detail the main methods that are used today for leveling panel walls, to determine the basic rules and subtleties, the observance of which will help you do everything yourself without unnecessary financial costs. Return to the table of contents</a>
Alignment with plaster
So, the first material that is appropriateto use for work specifically in a panel house, is a regular cement mortar. Any old Khrushchev-era building in a panel house has such walls that it is unrealistic to do without mortar. How to level the walls with mortar? Let's consider the features of leveling internal surfaces. Return to contents</a>Selection of materials and toolsThe alignment of the walls using beacons is carried outcement mortar using a rule. Leveling walls with plaster is one of the most effective and economical methods. This coating will have more advantages, but with the wrong approach, disadvantages may also occur. The main ones are: peeling of the material, the inability to correct the unevenness of the layer thickness in different areas, as well as labor intensity and the presence of a large amount of dust. To ensure that the disadvantages do not bother you, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials in advance:
- rule;
- mixer for mixing the solution;
- construction plummet and level;
- a container for stirring and picking up the solution;
- dry clean rag;
- Master OK;
- a set of putty knives;
- brush;
- primer;
- putty;
- mounting foam;
- tow;
- construction knife;
- a hammer;
- wooden flat spatula for subsequent grouting.
Scheme of leveling walls with plasterboard on glue.When you buy tools, you need to pay special attention to the choice of mortar for plastering. For leveling panel walls, it is best to buy specially designed dry mixes for such purposes, which are diluted with water to the desired consistency immediately before the work itself. It is best to choose a solution with a high content of various plasticizers. They will be able to ensure the most tight fit of the material to the wall. It is good if the solution contains quartz sand. It will be able to make the surface as strong and durable as possible. This will prevent mechanical impacts from damaging the integrity of the plaster layer in the future. It is also important to correctly determine the amount of mortar mix. As a rule, all calculations are made independently. The guideline is that usually about 16 kg of mortar diluted to the required consistency is used per 1 square meter of wall. This is in cases where it is planned to level the wall with a 2 cm layer. Accordingly, the smaller the layer, the lower the consumption of mortar. Pay attention to the instructions: approximate proportions are usually written there too. Return to contents</a>
Surface preparation
Scheme for leveling the seams of a plasterboard wall.So, now it is necessary. To do this, first dismantle the old coating completely. The wall must be tapped well, removing even those pieces of mortar or putty on the panel that seem to be holding on tightly, but the sound during tapping is ringing. After all, this already indicates that such a coating will soon fall off. When the dismantling is finished, proceed to covering the panel walls with a primer, having first thoroughly cleaned them from dust. It is best to add an additional amount of antiseptic to the primer. This will not only destroy the existing fungus and prevent the formation of a new one, but will also help ensure more reliable adhesion to the wall surface of the leveling plaster. If there are large cracks and open gaps between adjacent slabs on the wall, they must be sealed separately. For this, it is good to use tow, which is pushed into such cracks, and then filled there with thick cement mortar. You can combine the use of the solution with mounting foam, the excess of which will need to be cut off immediately with a construction knife after hardening. Visible pores also need to be sealed, but it is best to use putty for this. Minor cracks are sealed in the same way. Return to contents</a>Leveling the wall with mortar
Alignment of walls can be done with the help ofplaster. After drying, the wall is once again covered with a primer. Now you can safely do the alignment. First, you need to fix the beacons from top to bottom, which will serve as vertical plumb lines. They should only slightly touch the most convex part of the wall. This is what you need to focus on during alignment. After all, a thicker layer of mortar will not hold firmly enough. Several rows of threads need to be pulled horizontally, which will serve as beacons. Make sure that they are parallel to each other, do not sag and slightly touch the most convex parts of the wall. It is advisable to check their evenness with a rule. When all this is done, it's time to work with the solution. To level a panel wall, the solution must be scooped up from a container with a ladle and thrown onto the wall. When about one square meter is sprayed with the solution, you need to do a light alignment with a trowel or spatula, and then proceed to thorough alignment with a rule. The rule must be pressed against the wall and drawn from top to bottom. Ideally, after leveling, the wall will be level exactly according to all installed beacons.
Scheme of leveling a wall with plasterboard.In this way, the entire wall surface is completely leveled in parts. When the solution has slightly set, it is necessary to do the grouting. To do this, take a wooden grouting board and, dipping it in water and dry cement, do the grouting. This way, the wall will be stronger and more resistant to all kinds of adverse effects. It is necessary to let the wall dry well naturally, preventing cold, direct sunlight and excessively hot air from central heating or heaters from getting into the room. After 5-7 days, it is necessary to cover the surface with putty, after which you can finish the already smooth wall in a panel house using any desired method. Return to the table of contents</a>
Alignment with plasterboard
Another high-quality and widespreada way to level walls in panel buildings is to use sheets of plasterboard. The use of this material makes it possible without the appearance of a large amount of dust in the room and large labor costs. But it is also important to take into account that part of the interior space of the room will simply go under the plasterboard structure. And in rooms with a high constant level of humidity, plasterboard is not considered the best option. Return to the table of contents</a>Material and tools So, if you decideвыравнивать стену таким методом, необходимо купить все материалы и инструменты. Для начала приобретите гипсокартонные листы и направляющие металлические профили для них. Количество напрямую зависит от площади поверхности. Необходимо еще сделать небольшой запас для непредвиденных расходов. Помимо этого, вам еще понадобятся:
- Screwdriver;
- a set of screws and screws;
- putty;
- spatulas;
- roulette and pencil for markings;
- a hammer;
- brush;
- building level;
- primer;
- building knife.
Return to Contents</a>Installation of the frame and plasterboard So, now forwork! First, the surface is prepared in the same way as described above. Then the frame for the plasterboard structure is installed. As a rule, it consists entirely of metal slats and profiles. First, they are attached exactly along the perimeter of the wall, after which the marking and fastening of the profiles in the middle of the wall is carried out. The distance between the slats is about 45-50 cm. The distance between the fasteners should be approximately 25-30 cm. Be sure to use a level! The frame is mounted using screws or self-tapping screws. If the panel is very thick and hard, then it is better to give preference to self-tapping screws. In other cases, screws will suffice. Do not forget to hammer plastic dowels into the fastening points before installation. The holes for them are drilled with a hammer drill. After installing the frame, all that remains is to fasten the plasterboard sheets. Prepare the material in advance by cutting out sheets of the required sizes and making marks on them in the places where you are going to make the fastening. The distance between the screws should be approximately 25 cm. When the sheets are installed, you will only have to seal the joints between them. To do this, you need to use putty. If the cracks are large, which is very undesirable, then they need to be filled with polyurethane foam, which has minimal expansion. A special thin tube will help you fill even narrow cracks with such foam. When everything hardens, the remaining foam should be cut off. Putty should be applied on top of it. It is most convenient to work with a narrow spatula. So that the joints are not noticeable at all, you need to carefully try to push the putty into the cracks, filling them completely. And when this is done, you need to remove the excess from above, focusing on the main part of the sheet. During this, you need to use a level. The final stage is priming with an antifungal compound, after drying, you should cover the entire drywall with a thin layer of putty. Now you can safely decorate the wall with the desired method. So, the main two methods of leveling walls in panel houses - using plaster and plasterboard - have been considered. Both methods are good, you only need to choose the one that is more suitable for your premises. If you take into account all the subtleties, you can achieve an almost perfectly flat wall.