Interior design for women

Stunning design solution for an apartment of 12 m²


Quite often, our readers participate indiscussions of interiors for small rooms. However, below is the housing, which completely fit on 12 square meters. In our country, such apartments are called hotels, considering them the worst possible option. But architect Julie Nabuchit decided that, if properly used, this area is ideal for a female student, for example. As a rule, everyone starts decorating the space by placing all the available furniture along the walls, releasing a tiny patch in the center. But the master in this case took an unexpected step. She occupied a third of the room with a wooden platform, which created two zones without visually reducing the living space. The partition was formed by simple lockers without doors, which gave the sleeping area space for magazines and various small items, and the kitchen one - the possibility of placing equipment and utensils. The platform itself has drawers for linen and towels in the steps, and from it the platform of the bed easily leaves on wheels. If you pull it out only by half, you get a comfortable sofa. In the kitchen, the refrigerator is built next to the sink, it almost does not occupy a useful area. However, it is very functional and very ergonomic. Plates and cups are placed above the working area, they live in a dryer. From this corner you can get to the bathroom, in which the shower and toilet are very close. There is a drain in the floor, and a water-repellent curtain protects toiletries. Along one wall a narrow strip of floor is occupied by a secret closet. He goes to the ceiling, is devoid of almost all projections and because of this almost imperceptible. This piece of furniture is able to accommodate a lot of things without changing the proportions of the room. And of course, the most light shades prevail in everything, which alternate and create a visual volume of interior elements. Only one wall has a decorative pattern in black. This allows you to bring the dynamism of space, which is often lacking in small apartments.

