Do you have a cat?Then you know what a difficult dilemma it is - to conveniently and at the same time discreetly place a cat litter box. Let's figure out the problem together Hiding a cat litter box from sight and at the same time not cutting off the cat's path to it is not an easy task. Leaving everything as is is also not an option, except, perhaps, for those moments when a plastic tray with heterogeneous contents is in place and is not intrusively striking. True, such a development of events is difficult to imagine, so let's focus on the situation in which the toilet still needs to be hidden. The toilet itself Where else can you hide a cat litter box. except in a human one? A good idea? Not really. Most often, owners are stopped from this decision by the need to keep the door constantly open or cut out an individual entrance for the animal. Therefore, if you are sure that your pet must relieve itself in the toilet, arrange a corner for it in the bathroom.Hallway A very good option - no one stays here for long, and besides, there are countless options for hiding a cat litter box in the hallway: poufs, consoles, cabinets, chests, etc.
Living Room Don't want to part with the beasteven at such an intimate moment for him? Install a toilet for the fluffy one right in the living room! Just disguise it well as something harmless - a nightstand or a flower pot. You don't want to tell everyone around you about your... hmm... passion, do you?
Bedroom It is hardly a good idea to put the litter box in the bedside table, but if the room size allows, find a place for it closer to the window.
Everywhere Have you ever thought about turning a cat toilet into an art object? It could be a very philosophical thing, and you can place such a “work” absolutely anywhere.,,,,,,,,,
Where to hide the cat's toilet: a design solution for the lodge-house