The putty is quite durablematerial, so if it was applied in compliance with all the rules, this coating can serve for a very long time. In some cases, the old putty must be removed from the walls.To remove a thick layer of putty, usescraper. This is done when it has crumbled, swelled, become damp or has cracked. The work of removing it is very labor-intensive and dusty, so you need to know the rules of how to remove putty. During repairs, in all cases, various types of coatings have to be removed from the walls. This can be whitewash, paint or putty. Putty is a material that is used for facing surfaces. Its purpose is to level the surface. Its removal can be either complete or partial.
Before starting work, cover all furniture with film.Before starting repair work, first remove finishing materials, wallpaper, paint. After that, it is necessary to remove the putty. How to remove the putty? First, it is necessary to check the surface, inspect the entire coating. If the putty comes off only in some places or is partially cracked, then the problem areas are cleaned with a scraper. Then these places are covered with a primer and covered with putty again. This process is called surface resuscitation. The old coating cannot always be removed only in certain areas, for example, if there are many deformations and cracks on the surface, then the putty must be removed completely. An excellent way to check the strength of the surface is to tap the walls with the handle of a spatula. If a ringing sound appears when tapping, this means that the coating is holding well. If on the contrary, then this coating needs to be removed.
The technology of removing old putty
Materials and tools:
- scraper;
- putty knife;
- chisel;
- perforator;
- Bulgarian;
- a hammer;
- sandpaper;
- protective glasses;
- protective gloves;
- special clothes.
Before removing putty from the walls, firstit is removed in the usual way using a scraper or spatula. After that, if it is not removed, use a hammer drill. Before removing the coating, it is necessary to prepare the base of the walls.Methods for removing putty:a - Using paste; b - Using a spatula. First, remove the trim and decorative coatings. Then prepare the base. During the work, a lot of dust and residues of building materials are formed, so you need to protect the floor from contamination. It should be covered with paper or cellophane. Removal is carried out in protective gloves, safety glasses, clothing for construction work. Then you need to prepare a solution for treating the walls. It is done as follows. First, pour a liter of water into a container, dissolve 2 tablespoons of potato starch in it. This solution must be mixed. Then it must settle. After this, the solution is placed in a spray bottle, spray it onto the base. You can also apply the solution with a brush. Cover the walls with this solution until the surface becomes loose. Only after this, use a spatula to remove the putty. When the main part of the layer is removed, you need to process the inter-tile joints. The treatment is carried out using a hammer and chisel. First, it is necessary to tap the joints between the tiles. Finally, everything must be treated with sandpaper to eliminate small pieces. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to remove the putty, if the first method does not help
Materials and tools:
- a hammer;
- chisel;
- perforator;
- Bulgarian;
- sandpaper;
- primer;
- protective glasses, gloves, clothing.
Sometimes it is not possible to remove the putty firstmethod. This usually happens if its thickness is more than one centimeter or it was applied quite a long time ago. In these cases, you can use a hammer and chisel. You need to apply the chisel to the plane at an angle of 45 degrees, then use a hammer to strike the chisel.The paste is prepared using two spoons of starch.per liter of water. The process should be started from the place where there is the greatest amount of deformation. In this way, you can remove one section after another. If you do not use a chisel, you can use a hammer drill or grinder. You need to put a spatula in the hammer drill and turn it on in impact mode. First of all, make a small notch on the surface, then begin to grind off the old coating. The hammer drill or grinder should be held so that the spatula or disk is parallel to the base. This method can be used to quickly and reliably process the entire coating. This method is very dusty. Therefore, when performing work, you need to use safety glasses, gloves and special clothing. Safety glasses are necessary during work to prevent dust from getting into the eyes. If dust gets into your eyes during work, you must immediately rinse them with plenty of clean warm water. When performing work, it is necessary to ventilate the room. After removing the main layer of putty, you need to sand the entire surface. This is necessary to remove small residues of the coating. After this, prime the base. The primer is selected according to the type of material of the base of the walls. This completes the work on removing the putty. The next coating, surface leveling, wallpapering, paint application or other wall finishing is performed after the completion of these works. Thus, you can remove the putty from the walls yourself according to all the rules.</ ul>