Who said a small bedroom can't becozy and beautiful? There are many tricks that can help you visually expand the space. Which ones? Read in our article The bedroom is the place where you can truly relax, hide from the outside world and take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. In the summer, more than ever, you want to see it flooded with sunlight, filled with air, and, of course, spacious. If your bedroom is not too big and you no longer feel comfortable in it, use our advice.
1. Remove all unnecessary things
Take a look around your bedroom and get rid of anything that doesn't belong there.clutters and creates a feeling of limited space. The more details in the room, the more cramped you will feel in it. A small bedroom loves minimalism. Everything that can be hidden, thrown away, moved to another room, we remove.
2. Don't use more than 3 colors
In a small bedroom it is very important to stick tosimple color scheme. In this case, it will seem more spacious than it actually is. When the interior is overcrowded with a large number of colors, it creates the impression of fragmentation of the space, so it is better to use no more than 3 colors. You can take a neutral shade as a basis, and add 1-2 colors as accents on its background. Remember that light tones visually expand the space, and dark and contrasting ones, on the contrary, reduce it.
3. Avoid bulky furniture
Try to choose compact furniture fromweightless materials (glass, rattan, plastic), which will create a feeling of lightness. Also pay attention to the arms of chairs and armchairs. It is desirable that they are open: then air and light will be able to penetrate through them. Blind surfaces reduce the space.
4. More light
The more sunlight is scatteredaround the room, the more spacious and airy it will seem. To do this, you need to hang transparent curtains made of light fabric on the windows. If we talk about color, then it is preferable to select curtains and furniture in a small bedroom to match the tone of the decoration.
5. Use mirrors and reflective surfaces
An effective technique when working on an interiorsmall bedroom – use mirrors and any reflective surfaces. Choose a tall (from floor to ceiling) wardrobe on the entire wall, with glossy doors, put a large floor mirror or glass bedside tables – and your room will definitely become lighter and more spacious.
6. Do the right arrangement
When arranging furniture, it is important to remember thatIt is better to place low objects closer to the entrance, and high ones – at the very end of the room (opposite the door). Otherwise, the space of a small bedroom will only shrink.
7. Create a focal point
To create a focal point, you need tochoose an interesting object that will attract attention. Place it in the corner farthest from the door: a person entering will immediately direct their gaze to this point, and they will have a sense of perspective. In a small bedroom, the focal point is usually the bed, so you can hang a large painting above its headboard.
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