How to make a child keep his place cleanroom? Turn cleaning into a game! A game that your little miracle will love and will give you a lot of unforgettable emotions. Making children clean up their toys themselves is every parent's dream. How to instill in them a love of order and cleanliness in their ? Scolding and forcing them to clean is not effective, showing by your own example that home routine is a necessity is not effective. Then what to do?It is important to remember that any work mustbring pleasure and joy, be accompanied by fun and at the same time be useful. There is only one way out - to interest the child in cleaning so that over time he will begin to put things in their places and clean up after games. How to make cleaning a pleasant pastime is what we will talk about below. Tip 1.Arrange a competition If there are children in the family, you can arrange a competition between them. This is the most effective option, allowing you to turn cleaning into an exciting game. Each child will be delighted with the opportunity to show themselves to be the fastest and most responsible. Come up with some prizes or write a list with stages so that children can cross them out with crayons or markers - wash the dishes, wipe the dust, vacuum. You can attach positive stickers on magnets to the refrigerator opposite the list. The one who has more completed tasks will receive a nice bonus. Tip 2.Give prizes for cleaning This competition will be interesting for children of all ages. The older they are, the more responsible tasks can be assigned and the more significant rewards can be given for first place. There should be incentives, but not money - let it be a gift, a delicious dessert or a joint trip to the cinema, to the park or to the skating rink. That is, the child will receive the highest praise with the opportunity to choose a joint leisure activity with his parents. Tip 3.Delivering toys to homes For a small child, cleaning can be as interesting an activity as playing. Imagine yourself as a taxi driver delivering toys to homes, or a bulldozer driver raking up trash. It is also important that each thing has its own place. For example, you can decorate each drawer so that children understand what should be in them. For a toy dog, draw a kennel, and on another shelf, trees - this is for forest animals. Boys will be interested in driving their cars into the garage every evening. Tip 4.Fun Basketball Many manufacturers offer convenient children's storage systems. If they are made in the form of open boxes, then not only the child, but even you will be interested in trying yourself in accuracy. The main thing in such a game is to throw unbreakable toys into the basket and not those with which small children are used to sleeping. Tip 5.Cleanliness schedule Another option for interesting cleaning is to make a cleanliness schedule, where every day a field is painted red or blue, which indicates how the bed is made, how it is cleaned. This is bright, colorful and as accessible as possible for the child to understand. Well, the most effective option will be when cleaning is done together with an adult, where he shows by personal example how you can have fun this time. In the end, we are raising an assistant, so it is worth instilling in the child the concept of cleanliness now, so that in the future he himself, without reminders, strives for order.