Old apartment for a large family in Sao Paulo,Brazil, was inherited by the owner. and the abundance of partitions made it look like a student dormitory. The talented team of FC Studio was tasked by the customer to create an open and functional bachelor's home. This is how the Maranhão Apartment project was born, which we will talk about today.
The reconstruction began with the dismantling of unnecessaryelements with subsequent reinforcement with concrete structures. This allowed to unite disparate volumes and obtain a single space. Long ones pass from the living room to the kitchen, emphasizing their logical connection. Instead of one dominant tone, the interior has several strong color accents - the unusual kitchen unit looks fresh and elegant. Above the dining table hang 4 different Beat Light lamps by Tom Dixon - they visually break up the huge plane of the snow-white ceiling.
The decoration contains a lot of wood and concrete, which is emotionally compensated by bright furniture and accessories.
Calling a stylish interior apartment for a bachelor, Sao Paulo