Today, the most fashionable and convenientliquid wallpaper is considered a material for covering walls. They can update and decorate any room, because they have a huge number of shades and advantages. Everyone knows that not every wall material can be equally suitable for the same surface. Since GKL has recently been used everywhere, the question arises, how on plasterboard.Liquid wallpaper is applied to a perfectly flat surface, which can be made using gypsum plasterboard sheets.
How to glue a material on a drywall wall
Each person, choosing the material for applicationit on the walls, is lost in the huge variety. Today, the construction market offers a universal innovation: liquid wallpaper. They consist of cotton or textile fiber, cellulose, adhesive base and all sorts of decorative components. They are divided into 3 types:
- cotton;
- silk;
- cellulose.
An example of the consumption of one package of liquid wallpaper.And each type has its advantages. For example, liquid wallpaper made of cotton is considered the most environmentally friendly, silk material looks very rich and elegant, and cellulose is the most durable. The color palette of any type of this wallpaper has a huge variety. There are so many shades that you can choose absolutely any color. The advantages that liquid wallpaper has are the following:
- the ability to make the coating seamless;
- with any mechanical damage, it is easy enough to fix the situation;
- ecological harmless properties;
- ease of application.
As for the disadvantages, here you canIt should be noted that liquid wallpaper does not tolerate high humidity, and constant contact with other surfaces may cause abrasion, which can be easily corrected. Before applying liquid wallpaper directly to the drywall, it is worth stocking up on the necessary tools:Wall design options using liquid wallpaper.
The craftsmen have their own very convenient scheme of how to prepare and apply liquid wallpaper to the surface. Return to the table of contents</a>
Scheme of preparatory works
Scheme of plasterboard joint filler.Each package contains the necessary information on the proportions in which this type of wallpaper should be diluted, so you should strictly adhere to them. So, pour the dry mixture into a container and dilute with water. It is worth considering that the solution is diluted only with your hands, since you should feel all the lumps that need to be broken up. Of course, this is done with rubber gloves. The resulting solution is mixed very thoroughly and left to swell for 15 minutes. To correctly calculate the amount required for application to a specific surface, you need to know the area of the room. For example, 15 m² will require only 4 bags of dry mix. Keep in mind that it must be diluted in the total amount, and not in parts. This is due to the fact that if you add even a little more water to the next batch, the solution may have a completely different shade. People who believe that the plasterboard surface is unsuitable for this type of wall covering are mistaken. Based on this, the question arises whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to gypsum board.
Stages of applying liquid wallpaper.The fact is that plasterboard is an ideal surface, as it is completely flat and smooth, and the base of the plasterboard is paper. Thanks to this, liquid wallpaper fits perfectly on such a surface, and when it becomes necessary to remove it, there will also be no problems. First of all, when preparing, you need to seal all the joints on the plasterboard with putty. Sheets of this material are always fixed with self-tapping screws, which can rust a little during operation, so experts recommend covering the fasteners with paint before installing them. The plasterboard must be covered over the entire area with a thin layer of putty and primed, then allowed to dry well. All excess can be easily removed with a spatula. Then grouting is done with fine-grained sandpaper and the surface becomes ready for applying liquid wallpaper. Return to contents</a>
Step-by-step instructions for gluing
Liquid wallpaper application schemes.The process of applying the ready-made mixture is quite simple. The solution is collected with a construction trowel and placed on the plasterboard surface in a layer of 1-2 mm. There are lighter and darker areas on the wall, so experts advise starting work with the light ones. The room temperature should be at least 16 ° C. So, when you have applied liquid wallpaper to the entire surface, after 2 hours you need to go over the wall with a trowel again to level the layer. By the way, experienced craftsmen have long been using special guns to apply liquid wallpaper to this surface. Such a gun is called a "Hopper". If there is none, then a roller is used, which makes reciprocating movements, but not circular ones. This is prohibited, otherwise there will be streaks. In addition, you should not do this for too long on one area. This material can only be applied to plasterboard in a layer no more than 2 mm, otherwise there will be too much material waste. As a rule, wallpaper dries completely within 2 days, but it can take longer. This is due to the general microclimate of the room. Craftsmen recommend thoroughly ventilating the room and providing heat, but do not overdo it. This fact may surprise you, because all other wallpapers are afraid of drafts. And liquid ones, on the contrary, welcome them. To repair a damaged area, just wet it with liquid and remove it with a sharp object. A new coating is applied to this place, but make sure the color and shade match. It is advisable to apply wallpaper to drywall quickly, since the edges can dry out. But even in this case, experts advise simply moistening the dried area with water and continuing to work.</ ul>