Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard, despitethe emergence of new stretch ceilings, do not lose their popularity. Thanks to them, you can implement the most daring design ideas. The simplicity of their installation provides the opportunity to play with lighting from plasterboard with a complex configuration. To create a plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you will need good design and construction skills. Therefore, it is better for beginners to start with a single-level or two-level structure with simple geometric shapes.
Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard lookstylish, and also do not cause difficulties in installation. Like any other installation, work on creating a suspended ceiling of two levels begins with preparatory work and a project.
Preparatory work
First, clear the room of furniture.Inspect the condition of the ceiling base. Remove any loose plaster. Calculate all the necessary materials. To do this, you will need to make a design drawing of the future ceiling. The design must include the location of the lighting fixtures, which will allow you to calculate the number of necessary electrical cables. And of course, prepare the tools and materials needed to assemble the plasterboard ceiling yourself. Tools and materials:
Tools for installing suspended plasterboard ceilings.
- stepladder, goats;
- perforator;
- Screwdriver;
- rule with a level (minimum 2 m);
- pencil;
- roulette;
- gon;
- routing cord;
- hydraulic level;
- a hammer,
- paint knife;
- scissors for metal;
- the profile of UD-27 and CD-60;
- hangers, connectors «crabs»;
- dowels and self-tapping screws 6x40 mm or 6x60 mm for fixing profiles to walls and ceilings (calculate the number taking into account the fixing step of about 30 cm);
- self-tapping screws LN 9, LN 11 or LB 9, LB 11 for connecting hangers with profiles and profiles with crabs;
- Self-tapping screws MN 25 and MN 30 for fixing the GCR (the number taking into account the fastening step is approximately 25 cm).
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Ceiling in the plan and wiring diagram
To avoid skewing in plan and vertical,which spoil the appearance of the ceiling, it is necessary to pay special attention to the marking. Marking the ceiling in the plan is quite a meticulous job, but in the end you will get an excellent result. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of marking the ceiling in the plan. So:
Figure 1. Ceiling layout diagram.
Find the geometric center of the room O, which is the intersection point of the diagonals. Use diagonal strings to beat diagonals.
Pull the cord between the middle of the short walls,which must pass through the center of the room O. If there is a deviation, then this distance must be measured and the ends of the cord are moved to it in the desired direction. Beat the reference line H1H2.
Similarly beat the reference line V1V2.
On the reference line, mark the segment Oh1 and Oh2.
Measure the segments h1d1, h1d2, h2d3 h2d4, maintaining perpendicularity.
Measure the segments OD1, OD2, OD3, OD4, OH1, OH2, OV1 and OV2.
On the drawing, construct perpendiculars (in the diagram - red dotted line) and draw the installation grid in the selected scale (in the diagram - blue dotted line).
Draw a plan of the room, taking into account the distortions, noting all the segments.
Using the completed markings, draw a scale sketch of the future ceiling (in the diagram - green dotted line).
This way you will get an accurate drawing of the ceiling to scale, which then simply needs to be transferred to the ceiling, taking into account all the dimensions.
Scheme of a two-level suspended ceiling withlamp. The purpose of such marking is to obtain a diagram in which all the elements of the ceiling will be parallel and perpendicular to each other. Since it is their slight displacement that can ultimately spoil the appearance of the entire ceiling. You can simplify the marking of the ceiling if you use a laser projector. To do this, install it in the center of the room and set the construction of the grid with a certain step. After that, proceed to marking the electrical wiring. Make a mark of all the lamps and determine what length of wire will be required. Based on the results obtained, purchase cables of the required cross-section, as well as corrugated pipes or cable channels. Corrugated pipes have an advantage over cable channels, since they can be thrown directly across the entire ceiling, and not along the perimeter of the wall. Return to contents</a>
The ceiling of gypsum board: the stages of assembly
from plasterboard can be done in different ways.Below is a description of how to assemble a ceiling in the most common and simple way, which is suitable for beginners who want to do it themselves. The order of work:
Scheme of installation of plasterboard on a wooden frame of a suspended ceiling.
Make the layout of the first level of the ceiling from the GKL. To do this, using a tape measure on one wall, measure the height of the ceiling without taking into account the thickness of the sheet. Make 3-4 marks and connect them with a line repulsed by a routing cord.
Using the hydraulic level, make elevation marks on other walls and similarly beat off the lines.
Similarly, make the layout of the second level of the ceiling, if it will be adjacent to the walls.
Apply to the ceiling markings for wireframesprofiles CD and mark the attachment points of the hangers to which you will attach the CD profiles (50-60 cm). The profile pitch should not exceed 60 cm. Make the markings in exactly the same way, using a routing cord.
Drill holes for fasteners in the UD profile withstep 30 cm. Attach it to the wall with the bottom edge to the marked line. Drill holes in the wall and screw the dowels with screws, securing the profile. Install the UD profiles all around the perimeter of the room.
Proceed to fastening the hangers. Attach the suspension to the ceiling made on the ceiling and drill 2 holes under it. Fasten the suspension by driving the dowels with screws. Make sure that the suspension is strictly perpendicular to the marking line under the CD profile.
After fixing the hangers, proceed to mounting the frame profiles CD. Insert the ends of the CD profile into the UD profiles mounted on opposite walls and secure with 2 screws.
Bend the ends of the hangers into the shape of a letter«П». The profile should fit freely in them in width. Fasten the CD profile with screws through the holes on the hangers. It is enough to screw in one screw on each side of the hanger. At the same time, press the profile with a rule and a level to avoid distortions.
After fixing the CD frame profiles,proceed to marking the joints of the CD cross-profiles. They will be connected using "crabs". They need to be placed over the frame profile with the "antennae" down and, applying force, snapped inside the profile. After this, they should be fixed with screws.
Scissors for metal or Bulgarian cut the necessary number of transverse profiles CD of a certain size. After that, attach them to the crab and fix them with screws.
After assembling the skeleton of the ceiling, proceed to theinstallation of electrical wiring. Route the wires in the corrugations directly to the places of the fixtures or fix the cable channel to the wall and lay a wire through it. Outside the ceiling design, the wire should protrude approximately 15 cm to connect the luminaire.
Once the electrical wiring is installed,proceed to installation of gypsum plasterboard sheets. Start fastening the sheets to the CD profiles of the first ceiling level using self-tapping screws. At the same time, try to sink their heads into the plasterboard. The fastening step is 25 cm.
After installing the GKL on the first level of the ceilingproceed to the second. Try very carefully to trim the sheets so that they coincide in length with the profiles. Trimming the GCR is as follows: cut the cardboard from one side of the sheet, attach a ruler, gently break it and cut the bottom layer of cardboard. Equal if necessary end of gypsum board with a special plane.
After assembling the first and second level of the ceilingfix the vertical pieces of GCR, which fill the space between them and close the internal structure of the frame. If the lower level of the ceiling has a curved or broken contour, then the GCR strip should be moistened with water and walk along one side of it with a needle roller. This will make it flexible, and it can be given a curved shape.
At the end, drill holes for the fixtures. Use a special drill bit to drill round holes.
In conclusion, it should be noted that you will not be able to assemble a plasterboard ceiling on your own. You will need at least one partner.