In recent years they have become especially populartwo-level plasterboard ceilings. They give the room a special, festive look and serve to mask light sources. They hide all the flaws of the base, for example, cracks that may appear over time on the original ceiling. Is it possible to do it yourself? What do you need to know for this? What materials and tools will you need? Below are recommendations and a description of the technology according to which, if it is accurately followed, it will be possible to make plasterboard yourself.
A two-level ceiling will hide even major flaws in the ceiling tiles and give the living room interior a festive look.
How to choose the right structure and materials
If a person has not done similar work, thenIt is better to start with a simple option. You can consider various schemes of a two-level ceiling using the relevant literature. But most often it is difficult to make a choice. Therefore, it is better to start with a fairly simple design: it is made with a decrease in the form of a semicircle, which is made along one of the walls. The difference in levels is chosen within 8-12 cm. The device of such a ceiling is within the power of any person who has ever used a tool in his life.
The lower level is a semicircle - the mosta common and easy-to-implement version of a two-level ceiling. The next step is to determine the required number of plasterboard sheets. This is relatively easy to do, since they are 2.5 m long and 1200 mm wide. Knowing the area of the room, it is easy to calculate the required amount of material. In order not to make a mistake, it is better to buy 10% more than the figure obtained by calculation. When performing work to lift the sheets, you may need the help of 1-2 people, since the sheets of material are quite heavy. Cutting is done with a construction knife with replaceable blades. Everything you need for the job is purchased at a construction market. To do it yourself, you will need gypsum board sheets with the appropriate reinforcement and fasteners. You will need a simple tool. From this set, an electric drill and a screwdriver are the most expensive and complex items. If a person has the necessary arsenal at home, then the task is simplified. An approximate list of everything you need is attached below. Return to the table of contents</a>
The ceiling of plasterboard with their own hands: the initial stage
The work begins with marking and assembling the first level frame. This is done using the following technology:
Technology of installation of a plasterboard ceiling. Along the perimeter of the walls, mark a line 8-12 cm from the ceiling with a pencil or a colored marker.
Check its horizontality construction (water) level.
Take the guide profile (UD) and attach it to the markings using dowels, which have a caliber of 6 mm and a length of 4-6 cm.
The frame is constructed from the main profile of the CD, the elements of which are fixed to the ceiling in steps of 40-60 cm.
Having finished this work, you need to insert the edges of the CD elements in UD and fix them with screws.
To increase the rigidity of the future two-levelThe ceiling of the supporting profile must be additionally fixed to the ceiling. This is done with the help of special hangers. The step between them is chosen within 40-50 cm. They are strengthened with metal dowels, and then the rails of the bearing profiles are attached to their wire part.
If the suspension is completely metal, then they are bent in the shape of the letter "P". The CD strips are cut to the desired size and installed on the hangers, and then reinforced on UD profiles with screws.
If there was an error during the trimming and the bar is shorter than necessary, then a special fastener is used in the set for drywall.
For securing short joints of the material, the embedded profiles are used.
Take the plank UD and cut into pieces of 10 cm,which must be screwed to the side of the supporting profile with screws so that they can be mounted on the pieces of CD perpendicular to the originally laid rails.
If it is necessary to install a chandelier fixing in the ceiling from plasterboard, then it is necessary to lay the mortgage profiles in this place.
Now go to the plating of the first level of the ceiling with sheets of plasterboard: they must be mounted in a runaway.
The first row starts with a whole piece of material withone side of the frame. The second belt begins to be installed from the opposite side. Fastening of sheets on ceilings from gypsum cardboard is carried out by screws. Their length is selected within 25-30 mm.
On the slats of the supporting profile, it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the second tier - it is round in shape.
This is to ensure that this place does not install unnecessary drywall.
To do this, you can use self-made compasses. It is done this way: on the opposite (in relation to the future second tier) wall, it is necessary to map out and screw in this place a long screw. The wire is wound on it and, noting the radius of curvature, delineate the line of a circle along the frame with a colored marker. Gypsum cardboard should go to it on 70-100 mm.
In the next step, in the same way, we need to make a circle whose radius by 5-6 cm should be greater than the original circle.
On this line, the material is cut with a construction knife.
There, set the backing profiles CD, which fix the screws.
This completes the first stage.When carrying out these works, it is necessary to install and secure the electrical wiring on the profiles. For individual light sources, additional fastening elements must be made (this applies to halogen lamps). Holes must be made in the right places. If this is not done, then when covering the ceilings with the main material, it will be impossible to install lighting, therefore, after installing the first tier, it is necessary to secure all electrical fittings and test them in action. Return to the table of contents</a>
Installation of the second level of the ceiling, its putty
The technological process for performing this work is as follows:
Installation scheme for the second level of the ceiling andlighting devices. Begin reinforcing the frame for the second tier, 8-12 cm below the sheets of the first layer along the wall along the perimeter of the entire room, mark the horizontal line with a colored felt-tip pen.
The construction level verifies the accuracy of this operation.
At this point, fix the necessary number of rails of the guide profile.
To the mortgage lath (it is under the laid sheets of plasterboard), drill a hole.
There the radius guide (its open side should be directed downwards) is strengthened.
The CD shank should be cut into pieces of 100 mm and insert them into this radius bar.
Fasten pieces (the step between them is equal to 30-50 mm) with the help of screws.
To the lower end, an aluminum corner is attached,which must be bent in advance along the radius; The wide side of this part should be located on one horizontal line with the guide profiles of the second level, there it is fixed.
Connect the corner with the UD slats of the second tier with pieces of CD racks of the required length.
sheets of plasterboard in the rounding part, for this they must first be laid on the floor and the rounding radii measured.
The sheets are cut according to the profile obtained and the screws are fixed on the frame of the second tier.
Cut the material of the desired height (it is equal to the difference between the lower edges of the first and second levels) and close the end part of this strip.
If the radius of curvature is small, then the material is wetted with water, and then bent easily.
During installation, do not forget to remove the electrical wires and connect the fixtures to them.
After finishing the work, you need to check the lighting, since after the painting the alterations are already impossible.
After this, you need to putty the resulting, cover the screw heads with special tabs. After applying the putty, wait a few hours for it to dry completely. Put special pads on the screw heads and cover them with putty as well. Then start painting in the colors chosen in advance. First, the entire surface is primed. After that, apply the first coat of paint. After it dries completely, apply the finishing coat. At this point, the work of installing a two-level structure on your own is almost complete. Return to contents</a>
What materials and tools need to be purchased in the construction market?
- sheets of plasterboard (standard);
- profiles of UD and CD;
- Metal and plastic dowels;
- suspension (wire or perforated);
- screws and special plugs for them;
- putty;
- paint;
- electric drill with drills;
- Screwdriver;
- fixtures, electric wires, sockets and switches;
- building level and roulette;
- putty knife;
- brush or paint roller;
- scissors for metal;
- a construction knife with a stock of blades;
- screwdrivers;
- pencil and colored pen.
The production of multi-level structures consists offrom the stages of creating and joining single-tier ceiling systems. With the precise implementation of the above recommendations and operations of the technological process, it is quite possible to create ceilings of the desired configuration. This requires finances and the desire to do something with your own hands.