Make a chair bed with your own hands ifthere is a need for this, it is not difficult, and there are many benefits from this furniture, as it helps to free up space during the day and provides a sleeping place at night. This is an indispensable piece of furniture if the room is small and guests often stay overnight.Chair in the "bed" position (A-without pillows, B— with cushions laid out): 1 - first pull-out section, 2 - chair reinforcement bar, 3 - chair side, 4 - guide bar, 5 - cross panel, 6 - cushions (on the chair - regular down), 7 - chair seat, 8 - second pull-out section, 9 - furniture corner, 10 - overhead shield. The design by which the folding chair is created can be significantly modified if desired, but for a beginner it is enough to make the simplest functioning folding chair bed. The tools and materials are standard for creating any upholstered furniture with minor differences. In order to, you will need:
Tools required for work: tape measure, level, pencil, electric jigsaw, drill or screwdriver, scissors.
- drill or screwdriver;
- jig saw electric;
- grinder with several nozzles;
- pencil;
- gon;
- level;
- roulette;
- Furniture stapler;
- furniture loops;
- Screws;
- self-tapping screws;
- sewing machine;
- Particleboard;
- furniture board;
- edged board;
- cant;
- foam rubber, sintepon, batting;
- fabric for upholstery;
- spunbond;
- joiner glue;
- scissors.
How to make a chair: preparatory work
Scheme of a chair-bed without a frame.When all the drawings are made and thought over and the materials are selected, you can start the preparatory work to make a bed with your own hands. A support system that supports the entire structure is made from timber. Its presence is not revealed, but the drawings are made taking it into account. It is necessary to cut 6 bars of the required size, which will indicate the required length of the bed. They are placed 3 on each side, overlapping the previous one by about 5 cm. After that, 5 more bars need to be fixed at the control points on each pair of longitudinally located bars. Fixation should be carried out in such a way that each pair has a connecting bar, thanks to which the system folds and unfolds without obstacles. Hinges provide mobility. Another 4 bars serve as legs for the pull-out structure and are attached to furniture hinges, since when folded they must go inward. In order for this operation to go smoothly, the hinges are fixed to the bars not from below, but from the inside, this reduces the possibility of breakage several times. Return to Contents</a>
Further assembly
Stages of sewing the side part of the coverchair-bed. Longitudinal elements are formed from chipboard, the number of which may vary depending on the drawing. Most often, the average thickness of the board and its maximum density are used for furniture. For open areas that may be present in the diagram, you need to take laminated chipboard, i.e. the laminated version, the appearance of which is more presentable. In terms of price, this material for making furniture is in first place, and its disadvantages include fragility and non-ecological friendliness. Instead of and together with chipboard, a furniture board is used, the characteristics of these materials are similar, but the furniture board is stronger and has an attractive appearance. At the same time, its price is much higher, so it is used exclusively in open spaces. Armrests can be made of both chipboard and furniture board. Fastening is carried out using a washer, this is required so that the structural elements do not suffer from minor damage. Both below and above on the side boards, special extensions are made outward, so that during sleep on the unfolded structure such a step does not interfere with the sleeper. Using a jigsaw, cut out 4 identical pieces, 3 of which form the bed and 1 - the back of the chair. A movable mechanism with locks is attached to the back, since it must be able to tilt back if necessary. The holes for fastening are prepared with a drill and then expanded using furniture fastening screws. Return to contents</a>
Upholstery folding chair
Chair bed upholstery scheme.Foam rubber, batting or synthetic padding can be used as filler when upholstering a chair bed. Experienced craftsmen recommend using batting as the most convenient to work with. The filler that covers the bed frame is covered with spunbond on top to fix it in the right place. This material also helps when pulling the outer upholstery onto the chair bed, as it slides well. It is better to choose a durable and long-lasting upholstery material to make a chair bed that will not need re-upholstery for many years. Before covering and fixing the padding, the chair should be disassembled again into its component parts and each part should be covered separately. First, the soft part of the required height is formed from batting. In order for upholstered furniture to serve for many years, you should not save on the quantity and quality of the material. This rule is true for all parts of the chair with upholstery. The filler is fixed with wood glue, and on top it is given any desired shape. Spunbond is used to put ready-made covers on chairs, since without it all the filling will bunch up. If the fabric parts on top will be fixed to the frame with a furniture stapler without connecting seams, you can do without this material. The same is done with the side panels. A stapler for final and additional fixation is used in any case, since the loads on the furniture are great and the seams may not withstand them without support. When all the parts are covered, you can reassemble the chair, this time for permanent use. All screws and bolts in the fittings must be tightened tightly enough. Return to the table of contents</a>
Frameless folding armchair
Most often for the scheme of creating a foldingThe chair uses a frame made of plywood or chipboard, but soft frameless models are also common. During the day, it is a soft chair, and at night it folds out into a comfortable bed, which is located directly on the floor. These models do not contain anything except a cover tightly stuffed with foam rubber. This option is often used for children, since this chair is most conveniently shaped like a funny animal or a cartoon character. Foam sheets for its creation are required to be at least 10 cm thick, since smaller ones will deteriorate too quickly. You will need zippers so that the removable outer cover can be washed if necessary. The design, as with the hard version, consists of 4 flat cushions, 3 of which represent the seat and fold out into a bed, and 1 is needed for the back. 2 smaller rectangles are also required, from which a semblance of armrests is constructed. The foam rubber is cut to size with standard scissors, having previously marked it with a ruler, and for reliability, all several layers are glued together before pulling the cover. The glue must be allowed to dry before use.