Various wallpaper combination ideas helpto give the interior a special originality and dynamics. Combining wallpapers of various colors and patterns has long gone beyond the category of unusual design solutions and has firmly taken its place in the interior. Such ideas for decorating a room are also encouraged by wallpaper manufacturers. They create stylish collections of patterns and shades that match each other. In order not to make a mistake in your choice and create an attractive interior, you need to know the basic techniques and methods for combining wallpaper in different rooms.Combining wallpapers will help create a unique interior.
Effects when you combine different wallpapers
Zoning of premises.If the room performs several functions at once, wallpaper of different patterns or shades helps to highlight or separate several zones. Design solutions in such cases can be quite bold and radical.Wallpaper can be used to create zoningpremises. Emphasizing advantages and hiding disadvantages. By highlighting a certain wall or part of it with wallpaper of a different color or pattern, most designers make it a focal point, drawing special attention to it. At the same time, this method allows you to distract attention from any defect of the room: an uneven ceiling, another wall, etc. The more striking the wallpaper used in the right place, the less likely it is that the weak point will be noticed. Visual effect. A narrow rectangular room can be visually expanded if you paper the long walls with light wallpaper, and the short ones with wallpaper a few tones darker. A square room will shine in a more favorable light if one side is papered with wallpaper of a more saturated tone than the others. Small rooms can be expanded by pasting them in light pastel colors. Accent on one wall. This technique is the simplest in the art of design. In one room, as a rule, the accent is placed on only one wall, but sometimes a stylistic solution draws attention to two adjacent or opposite walls. The accented area is noticeably different from the other walls. It has a more saturated color, a large pattern or design. The connecting element in this method of combination is mainly the overall tone.Light wallpaper will help to visually enlargeroom. Focal point. The difference between this technique and an accent wall is that the focal point does not occupy the entire wall, but is located on one part of it. In this way, an area with a fireplace, an antique piece of furniture, an art gallery, a crib, a place for reading, etc. is highlighted. Wallpaper as a decorative component. By enclosing pieces of wallpaper in frames or moldings, designers create interesting wall decors from overlapping patterns. Return to contents</a>
Wallpaper combination rules
are used by designers to avoid mistakeswhen creating a variety of interiors. Width, height, shape - all these parameters are important when choosing finishing options. Therefore, before going to buy the wallpaper you like, you should familiarize yourself with some of the basics of combining.
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The ways and variations of combining wallpapers
When choosing an idea for combining wallpapers, it is importantadhere to the principle of a similar element that is uniform for all variants. This can be different tones of the same color in terms of saturation, a uniform style in the ornament, similar geometry of the pattern, the same texture, etc.A combination of patterned and plain wallpaper will look good in any room.
It should be remembered that it is better to place dark wallpaper at the bottom, light shades at the top. Return to contents</a>
Combining wallpapers in different rooms
Return to Contents</a>Combination of wallpaper in the bedroom For finishing the interior of the bedroom, flashy colors and aggressive patterns are rarely suitable.It will look good in the bedroomCombining light-colored wallpaper. The bedroom requires the creation of a special, cozy atmosphere, a zone of increased comfort for a good rest. Wallpaper combination ideas help to saturate the overall ambience with bright colors, avoiding a boring and monotonous interior. Most often, the bedside area is highlighted with bright wallpaper. Here are some tips for using this combination method:
Return to Contents</a>Combining Wallpaper in the Living Room Choosing Wallpaperfor this room, depending on the stylistic solution of the interior, the color of the furniture and the dominant shade of the textile component (upholstery, carpet). If the living room is intended exclusively for relaxation, a wall highlighted near the sofa will look beautiful. If the hall combines zones with different functionality (living room, study and dining room), a combination of wallpapers of different colors and textures allows you to visually highlight the functional areas. Techniques used:
Return to Contents</a>Wallpaper combination in the nursery In the nurseryOften choose wallpaper in bright colors. As a rule, if you paste them over the entire space, the room turns out bright. With the help of various combination options, the children's room acquires a special, cozy ambience:
In general, there is no limit to the imagination. The main thing is that the rich tones are balanced by calmer ones, and the pattern and color scheme are reflected in other elements of the interior.