The Northern capital is home to designers who are notwant to advertise themselves, but their works are magnificent. We invite our visitors to look at and evaluate one of these works. The interior is a mix of three styles. But you can’t call the decor kitschy. All styles are compatible. It’s hard to draw a clear line between them. Therefore, the room is beautiful and harmonious. It’s not surprising that this one is done in such tones. The authors skillfully conveyed the mood of the white nights for which Petrograd is famous. You can compare the stylish interior design with a winter city. White snow, light gray facades of palaces and dark spots of monuments. The first associations that such an apartment layout evokes are that it’s Korea. There, they save space and try to expand the space due to the absence of partitions. You cross the threshold of the apartment and immediately find yourself in the kitchen. At the same time, you can clearly see the bed in the bedroom, the sofa in the living room and the owner of the apartment in the shower. The announcement says that it is done in a minimalist style. But this can be argued. The layout, functionality and movable partitions are more characteristic of Constructivism. And the size of the central piece of furniture - the sofa - can be determined only by its height and color, as Contrasting Minimalism. A snow-white ceiling is a traditional solution. The same walls are also often found in your apartments. But when a white floor is added to them, you begin to be surprised. But the High-tech style does not like decorations and various colors. Everything is smooth, monochromatic and in very light tones.
The shapes are simple, the lines are even, the colors are pure.Natural origin is also added to this: chromed metal, matte glass, leather or leatherette. No bright decorations or paintings. Decorative elements are large and often contrasting.
In the white-blue room it is dark, almost blacksofa. It is immediately obvious that he is the boss here. stretched out in front of him on the sides, trying to please the one who is sitting on the sofa. The flat screen TV is illuminated with bright colors when the owner is resting. But you can also sit down with a whole company and have a fun chat.
Movable partitions help to changespace and create separate zones when you want to be alone. And a cabinet with bright folders and books changes not only the space, but also the mood of the room, making it more joyful and cheerful.
The dark, massive sofa is so distracting,that the kitchen is almost invisible. Only the lamp hanging over the table stands out against the light background. really corresponds to the rules of interior design in the style of Minimalism. Metal, plastic and nothing superfluous. The lines are smooth, the furniture designs are delicate.
The lamp, at the same time, acts asdecor, serves to illuminate the table. A large, dark ball. It has a regular geometric shape and a complex pattern of interlacing stripes. Your gaze involuntarily lingers on it, and you try to understand the interlacing of lines. In fact, it consists of simple geometric shapes connected in a complex pattern.
The dining area is separated from the food preparation area.a low partition. This is a cutting table, a sink, and . It depends on how you use it. All kitchen equipment is hidden behind the walls of cabinets and movable partitions. A typical example of constructivism.
The issue with the study has been practically resolved. The wide stationary partition, on which the TV screen hangs, turns into work places at the computer from the hallway side.
You can come home and work in peace, without anyone having to worry about it.without disturbing. The family members relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV are located behind the wall. The bedroom is generally off to the side and can be additionally fenced off with pull-out shelves.
The bathroom space is increased by the reflective surfaces of the mirror and glass partition. A good solution for a small space.
Conceptual interior of an apartment studio in an eclectic style.