Are you lucky enough to have a beach house?Paint it white, give the facade a unique look by focusing on the shutters in a bright color. Sunny yellow, ultramarine, turquoise or navy blue are all great for maintaining the coastal theme.Beach House Exterior:Use bold, saturated colors Traditional staircases on bowstrings or stringers take up a lot of space. While loft-type staircases - steeper, more compact and open - are great space savers and add a ship's cabin charm to your beach house interior.Install a loft ladder instead of a traditional one The better the view, the more spacious the room will seem, so expand the windows if you want to keep your beach house from feeling cramped and dark.Panoramic windows andglazed doors A wide sofa will seat more people than a row of chairs. In addition, chairs with backs clutter up the space, while low compact poufs do not have this negative property. If you need to equip additional seating, install a bench in the window opening.More seating, fewer tables IfIf your attic is at least partially free, increase the height of the ceiling at its expense. High ceilings help to visually expand the space. Cover the walls with white clapboard, reminiscent of ship hull. This is a great option for a beach house: it supports the nautical theme and creates the illusion of volume.Increase the ceiling height of the main rooms.In small houses, every centimeter counts. Having an attic in such situations is considered a huge advantage. The attic space can become a guest bedroom or a nursery.Use every opportunity to increase the areaat home Dividing a single space into the necessary functional rooms: kitchen, living room and dining room can be a very difficult task. A low partition will help solve the problem, acting as a delicately marked border between the two zones.Mark the boundaries of the zones with a lowpartitions Round tables are less of an obstacle to free movement around the room than rectangular and square ones, and this is a very valuable property if we are talking about a compact room. By choosing a model with a glass, virtually invisible tabletop, you will solve the problem of an overloaded interior!It is better if the dining table is round.Benches, sun loungers and other garden furniture items are necessary for arranging the area around the house, which will be especially in demand in good weather. By implementing this idea, you will acquire a comfortable recreation area with minimal costs.Spend more time outside the home How,It turns out that it's easy to turn a small beach house into a vacation spot adored by all family members and friends! What do you think a beach cottage should be like? Share your ideas with us!