Many people dream of spacious housing, but not everyone does.such luck falls. However, this is not a reason to despair. Despite the fact that large apartments are much easier to make comfortable and beautiful, owners of miniature homes also have many opportunities to update the interior. In houses with an old layout, the area of a separate home is usually extremely small. This pattern applies not only to . It is necessary to very carefully think over the design of such a room so that it turns into a comfortable, stylish and convenient in all respects.
The easiest way to find information is to studythematic magazines. Colorful photos and advice from professionals will help you get into the right mood and, perhaps, even suggest the direction you need to move in. Especially since some designers specialize specifically in the planning of not particularly large objects, and it is not difficult to find something suitable on the glossy pages.
It is often suggested to expand the tinyspace by combining two rooms into one. For example, you can demolish the wall separating the kitchen and living room, having first asked permission from the relevant authorities. Since combining two rooms does not at all pursue the goal of their complete dissolution in each other, there is a need to competently divide the renovated space into zones.
Another option involves partialcombining rooms. You can remove the wall not completely, but partially, leaving a small fragment, which can later be turned into a decorative element. A wide arched opening looks great, especially if you decorate it with modern finishing materials.
It has become quite popular recently to transform the kitchen and balcony into a single unit. Such a design solution certainly requires a certain way, first of all, to insulate it.
Create a stylish interior of a small apartment - a photo of a successful design