In terms of complexity, bathroom renovation can only be compared towhat about the same event in the kitchen, and even then not always. We decided to simplify your task and made the most accurate list of necessary actions before, during and immediately after the renovation in the bathroom The bathroom, along with the kitchen, is the most technological room in the apartment. That is why the approach to its arrangement should be at least thoughtful. Under the guidance of professional architect Mito Melitonyan, we have prepared a list of 15 points, the observance of which will save you not only from wasting time, but will certainly help save money, and most importantly - independently solve one of the main problems of the renovation: the arrangement of the bathroom. 1. Budget This most important and often decisive factor of any undertaking is also important in matters of bathroom renovation. By writing out the budget item by item, you will save yourself from disappointments and mistakes.
2.Time The second most important factor is the free time you have. One of the main mistakes people make when planning a bathroom renovation is the belief that a couple of days will be enough for everything. The bathroom is small, but, as we have already said, a very technological room. Keep this in mind.
3.Action Plan Write out a work plan from A to Z. Include in the list all the little things that you have to do, right down to cleaning. Hang the plan in a visible place and cross out one line at a time. This technique will help you not only do everything in the right order and save time, but will also motivate you to finish the job as soon as possible. Related Articles
4. Hidden problems There may not be any, but it is still worth considering the possibility of a pipe bursting, cracks suddenly appearing, or a broken mirror.
5. Plan Let's get down to the process itself. The first thing you should do is get a bathroom plan with plumbing fixtures. Related articles
6.Style Next, you should decide on the style of the future bathroom. This decision will determine the color scheme, the materials used and, of course, the appropriateness of the space in the conditions of the already established interior of the main rooms.
7.Plumbing The next step is deciding on the choice of future plumbing. Here, everything may be more complicated than it seems. After all, if, for example, there can be no doubt about the appropriateness of the sink, then you have yet to make a difficult decision about choosing between a bathtub and a shower cabin.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— You also need to decide which toilet to choose. There are several types — floor-standing and wall-hung. Each type requires its own technical solutions. I prefer to use wall-hung ones where possible because they are easier to clean under and dust does not accumulate, unlike floor-standing ones. 8. Tiles The next most important decision is the choice of tiles that you are going to lay. A decision from the series “let's start and then figure it out” is not quite right. Imagine that you have beautiful plumbing, beautiful tiles, but you initially did not think about how to lay them out. And now the vertical or horizontal seams do not fall into the plumbing binding. And the switch may also move.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— I usually try to use large tiles — 300 x 900 mm. Each manufacturer has its own format, but I have roughly rounded it off. So, for example, it is best to place the toilet in the center of the tile, and the button of the suspended toilet, in order to make the trim correctly, is placed on the horizontal seam. There are also many modifications of sinks. The standard height is about 85 cm. The sink, namely its center, if it is small, should also be placed either in the center of the tile or along the seam. The tile size of 300 x 900 mm gives a very specific placement of switches and sockets: 1,050 mm from the finished floor level, in the center of the tile. If the socket is below, near the floor, then 150 mm. It is convenient to make all the connections in multiples of these sizes. An electric heated towel rail is then also tied to this height, since they usually have a lower connection. By the way, when buying it, do not take a model with a cord that is plugged into a socket. I use boxes for hidden connections and connect them directly. Do not forget that the connection can be both right and left. I also recommend not to make the ceiling until you lay the tiles. Personally, I prefer not to cut, I lay the walls with an exact and complete amount, say 8 tiles of 300, and not 8.5. And only then do I make a suspended ceiling from plasterboard. Also, do not forget that if you make a seam through a cross when laying tiles, then you will have an extra centimeter of height at the top. Sometimes this is critical. In general, first you need to lay the floor, then the walls. Although the bathroom is a technological room, you should not forget about its aesthetics. Small tiles make it simpler, while larger ones make it richer. 9. Professional help It's time to invite a specialist. If you are sure that you can change the mixer yourself, because you have seen how it is done a couple of times, it is better not to risk it and trust the specialists. What can we say about more complex works? But if you know which side to take the adjustable wrench from, then our architect's advice may be extremely useful for you.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— There is one trick that not every plumber knows. The horizontal slope of the fecal sewer should not be too large, otherwise the water quickly leaves the pipe, and the large fraction remains, sticking to the walls, and forms blockages. 10. Furniture You should have resolved this issue at the planning stage, and now you need to choose a store or a good carpentry office. The key characteristics of bathroom furniture are minimalism, functionality, low moisture susceptibility and convenient opening and closing mechanisms.
11.Walls and floors Painting the walls in the bathroom has ceased to be something supernatural or archaic. Professional paints now have the highest moisture-resistant properties and do not allow mold to develop. Well, if you prefer hardcore, go back to point 8. There is a lot to say about warm floors, but a couple of things should always be remembered.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— I always do two layers of waterproofing — the first layer, roll-on before the screed, then coating — before laying the heated floor. Heated floors should be electric, but it is prohibited to connect water-based ones to the risers. 12. Lighting It would seem, why would you need overly thoughtful lighting in the bathroom? We love a bath with candles so much! That's right, and here they also shave, put on makeup, do their hair, and spend a long time meditatively brushing their teeth, peering into their own pupils. So, in order for all these processes to take place comfortably and without hindrance, we urge you to plan your lighting well and visit at least three specialized stores. To compare prices and assortment.
13.Accessories Hooks, crossbars, heated towel rails, mirrors, soap dishes and dispensers are best selected in a single style. And if you can maintain uniformity with lamps and fittings, you can safely consider that you have fulfilled the maximum program.
Mito Melitonyan, architect:— Use mirrors and built-in cabinets above the installations to increase the size. The bathroom is one of the few places in the apartment where, being a rather conservative person, you can really let your imagination go. 14. Eco-friendliness This fashionable word now implies not only the use of natural materials in finishing, but also a careful attitude to the choice of chemicals that are constantly in the closed space of a small bathroom. Fortunately, there are now enough trade representatives of eco-friendly brands that distribute the safest products. Not only nature will thank you for this, but also household members suffering from allergies.
15.The final cleaning Perhaps this final cleaning process will be the most enjoyable and memorable for you. Try to get to the most difficult to reach places and tear off all the remains of paint, mortar and putty. It is quite possible that if you leave even a little bit of unfinished business, the perfectionist sleeping peacefully inside you will raise his head at the most unexpected moment and demand to take up the brush when there is no strength or desire left for it.
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