Design and Decor

Decoration of the living room: trends of the year in interior design


We are always up to date with the latest trends in interior design and we want to share this knowledge with you. Today we will talk about the trends for the living room, which do not lose their relevance

Roomble always tries to keep abreast of all events. This time we've found the latest living room trends for (attention!) Next year! Gold

The world symbol of luxury and prosperity willNext season is especially relevant for living rooms. No, we will save you from gold TVs, but nevertheless we recommend that you get a couple of gilded accessories or even small pieces of furniture. Vegetable ornaments

Spring is far and too fantastic for you? We propose to stage its approach with the help of floral ornaments on the textiles of the living room. Gently, brightly, optimistically and in all senses is far-sighted. Dramatism

How dramatic is the interior? Stress and emotional depth. How to achieve this? By means of color and dynamics of forms. How it looks, see below. Pink and blue

It will be fashionable. Smile and accept a simple truth: any shade, subject and idea can get a worthy incarnation if the performer has a taste. Rich textures

Next year, the main component of the idealThe living room will become a tactile pleasure. Fur and velvet, silk and organza, corduroy and leather - decorate the living room with anything, the main thing is to touch it was nice. The article is prepared on the basis of materials of the site

