Apartments in old buildings often have onea disadvantage, which lies in the small size of the premises, which is why their owners have to buy appropriate pieces of furniture that could be installed in such apartments and used with the greatest benefit. A chair, for example, cannot take up much space, which cannot be said about other pieces of furniture such as a table. The kitchen is most often the smallest room in a small apartment, and it is necessary to place there not only a kitchen set, but also a table, you can make it yourself, making the structure folding.Figure 1. Diagram of a folding table.
Preparation before work starts
The product will include a foldingtable top and two frames that act as legs. If the folding table is folded, then in height along the wall it will occupy a space equal to 750 mm, while its width will be 600 mm, and its length - 280 mm. The table is fixed to the wall surface with the help of bent wooden supports, which can also be made of metal. Such a table is very functional, so a child can do homework at it, and adults can sit at the table with a laptop. The table can accommodate three. When cutting the blank for the table top, you should not make it too large, since if it exceeds the length of the height of the legs, it will not be possible to fold the structure.Tools for making a folding table.In order to make such a table with your own hands, you need to buy lumber. However, the craftsman may have boards of suitable sizes available. For work, you will need to prepare (all dimensions are in mm):
- board for the worktop 900x600x28;
- slats 720x60x20 in the amount of 4 pcs .;
- slats 320x60x20 in the amount of 4 pcs .;
- the bar 720x20x20;
- wooden dowels - spikes with dimensions 8x45;
- furniture varnish;
- Screws;
- piano loops;
- Screws;
- dowels;
- support in the number of two pieces of steel or wood for fixing the structure to the wall;
- joiner glue;
- Screwdriver;
- acrylic paint;
- hacksaw;
- a hammer;
- electric jig saw;
- kiyanku;
- clamps;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- sandpaper;
- level;
- roulette;
- pencil;
- triangle;
- ruler.
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The process of installing the table
Figure 2. Drawing of a folding chair.The table diagrams can be prepared based on the specified dimensions and the final appearance of the structure (Fig. 1). Despite the fact that the design of the product is extremely simple, the installation process must be carried out with a high degree of accuracy, constantly checking the sketch. Incorrectly drilled holes must not be allowed, as this can cause a weakening of the strength characteristics of the wood. The assembly technology involves the following stages. When installing a folding table on your own, you first need to arrange holes in the ends of the planks from which you plan to get the support frames, dowels will need to be inserted into the resulting holes. The lower horizontally located planks of the frames should be fixed to the vertical ones at a distance of 50 mm from the floor, this will allow you to install the structure on the legs. A small amount of glue should be added to the holes, now you can install the dowels and fold the supports of the structure. You need to ensure that the diagonals of the frames match, only after this can they be mated using carpentry clamps. The blanks should be left until the glue dries. The supports reinforced with each other must be connected using vertical ends and piano hinges, screws should be used as fasteners. On one vertical strip, on the side opposite the hinges, a strip with dimensions equal to 720x20x20 mm must be installed on the hinges, this element will help to fold the supports. The other end of the workpiece must be fixed to the wall surface.
Folding chair diagram.On the base, you need to mark the point for the support location. When folding the structure, the frame legs should be located between them. Now you can attach the supports to the wall. The table design can be not only convenient and functional, but also unusual. To do this, the front corners of the tabletop should be rounded, using a saucepan lid as a stencil. You can make semicircles with a jigsaw, and the resulting cuts should be cleaned with sandpaper. The resulting tabletop should be cut into two parts, one of which will be smaller, the other - larger. This procedure must be carried out with special care, since the final appearance of the product will depend on it. The edges should be given ideal geometry and well sanded. You can entrust the cutting of the blanks to a professional if you are not sure that you can handle it yourself. A small part of the tabletop should be fixed to the supports. It needs to be given dimensions limited to 600x250 mm, this blank will hold the large tabletop. The table legs will be hidden under the small blank. In the prepared parts, it is necessary to arrange holes in which piano hinges will then need to be installed, they will hold the folding lid. The small tabletop is placed on the wall supports and secured with screws. The support frames must be completely unfolded forward. The large tabletop must be installed on the unfolded frame and the piano hinges must be fixed. Limit strips must be secured to the bottom of the lid, which will eliminate the possibility of spontaneous folding of the structure. At the last stage, you can check whether the folding system of the table functions correctly. For this, the frames are folded and hidden under the lid. The large tabletop is lowered. The table, the length of which is 280 mm, can be used. In order to improve its appearance, the surface can be varnished, as alternative solutions for decorating the product, you can use paint or decorative film. The kitchen space will become even more functional if you also make a folding chair. Return to the table of contents</a>
Manufacturing of a folding chair
In Fig.2 you can see a drawing of a folding chair, and in Fig. 3 - its final appearance. Before starting the installation, you can prepare a circle Ø350, using beech. In the blanks for the legs, you need to make a groove, and saw off the top to get an angle of 30 °. The legs should be rounded at the bottom. The jumpers between these elements should be installed on dowels, previously glued. The surfaces that will be adjacent should be treated with glue. Assembly should be done on the basis of the drawing, which can be prepared using the diagram presented above. After joining the elements, you need to tighten them with clamps, leaving until dry. The hinges are reinforced with self-tapping screws with dimensions of 3.5 x 16 mm. The legs are installed on the seat using hinges. The drawings will allow you to assemble the chair correctly, but you can make it more attractive in appearance using the following trick. The parts need to be wetted and then dried, this will emphasize the natural texture of the wood. The surface should then be treated with fine sandpaper and covered with a tinted varnish. The composition should be applied at least twice, this will also protect the chair from external influences. Such a design can also be used on a picnic.