October 25th marks the anniversary of Katy Perry, the star,who is not afraid to change her image, hair color and lifestyle. We will show you how the star's aesthetic preferences have changed over the past couple of years by comparing the interiors of her two houses. After breaking up with a man, women often change their hairstyle or style of dress. But the famous singer Katy Perry needed more serious changes to forget about the painful divorce. She sold the house in which she lived with her ex-lover Russell Brand and bought another. It is noteworthy that the interior of the star's new house is the complete stylistic opposite of the design of her former family nest. Let's analyze the changes in interior preferences that the "bachelorette" Katy Perry demonstrated to us. At the beginning of the year, Katy Perry finally sold her house in the Hollywood Hills, in which she once lived with her ex-husband. Perhaps the long search for a buyer (the house was put up for sale back in 2012) was due to the high cost of the star property (more than eight million dollars), or perhaps potential clients were wary of the overly pretentious and overly ornate interior style that came with the architectural structure.
A mansion built almost 100 years agois a mixture of architectural and interior styles. Conceived as a traditional Mediterranean house, it nevertheless resembles a luxurious 18th century palace, and in some places a medieval castle. Expensive furniture in brocade upholstery, massive wooden decor made of valuable wood species, stucco, antiques, paintings and tapestries - all these attributes of the luxurious life of past centuries perfectly corresponded to the image of a fantasy princess, which was so close to Katie during her marriage.
Now let's look at the house Katy Perry moved into in 2013 (after her divorce from Russell Brand).
It is obvious that the interior and exterior of the new houseThe singer's home is strikingly different from the stylistic presentation of her previous home. Instead of turrets, rounded arched openings and arched vaults - strict geometric shapes. Instead of luxurious decor and furniture-laden furnishings - absolute minimalism in the interior. Instead of ordinary windows - panoramic ones, providing the interior with excellent natural light.
Observing the radical change in interiorpreferences of Katy Perry, you feel that only after freeing herself from her husband's influence on her life did she finally realize what she likes. And the new house is proof of that. It has become a kind of symbol of the renewed Katy Perry - open, sophisticated, self-confident. We wish the singer to continue to be guided only by her own tastes and preferences, and we invite our readers to admire a few more photos of her new home.
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Family circumstances change people: Katy Perry and her old and new home