It's almost September, which means that schoolchildrensoon they will rush to their places of study with books and notebooks. But in order for every morning before school to be pleasant and cheerful, it is necessary to feed your child properly. The international chain of modern furniture stores Crate and Barrel, which is currently holding a sale on kitchenware and accessories, suggests that parents pay attention to how and what their children will eat every morning before school. The company's designers have prepared tips on how to turn the morning hours into a real holiday, which children will look forward to impatiently from the evening. Eating is very important, so it is necessary to carefully consider every detail.
To prepare such a simple dish asFor a ham omelet, Crate and Barrel suggests using the Nonstick Muffin Pan or Bat Cookie Cutter. The ingredients can be mixed and then placed in the oven, and the finished omelet is best served on a colorful plate. For dessert, you can make French toast with honey, which will look great in a stylized glass Honey Dispenser along with a unique spatula in the shape of a bee, the Bumble Bee-Shaped Turner.
To prepare a fragrant charlotte you canUse the Covered Red Apple Pie Dish in the shape of a large apple. And to ensure your child has something to snack on throughout the day, the bright, lightweight Green To Go Snack Container or LunchSkins Apples Lunch Tote are the best choice for storing snacks. You can put a couple of sandwiches, fresh baked goods or ripe fruit in them. And the Single Serve Red City To Go Cup can keep the drink warm and aromatic for several hours.
Form for muffins and other: new items from Crate and Barrel