The interior of a small kitchen

Basics competent design of small kitchens


Many housewives complain that their kitchenpetite. But is this the problem as it seems at first glance? Not really. With the right arrangement of the premises, even a space of 7 square meters can become the most comfortable and cozy. A large room does not guarantee that it will be comfortable in it, especially if its layout is not entirely successful. If objects and furniture are placed incorrectly, it will be inconvenient to use them in any case. But with an organic arrangement of things, the most will seem spacious. It all depends on the layout. Therefore, before resenting the inability to turn around among cabinets and household appliances, think about whether it is possible to change the arrangement of furniture so that the kitchen becomes more comfortable. For example, you can purchase a transforming instead of the usual dining table, or otherwise organize the place where you cook. All designers agree thatspace can be visually expanded, if you choose the right color design and correctly arrange the furniture. Of course, your own efforts can not be compared with the work of professional designers, but this does not mean that you will fail - the main thing is to arm yourself with patience and rely on imagination.

