Hexagonal tiles are all the rage right now.We found out why hexagonal tiles are truly worthy of appearing in your home. A regular hexagon or hexagon is a symbol of abundance, beauty, harmony, symmetry, and the image of a person (two arms, two legs, a head, and a torso) in ancient times. If we talk about the hexagon in architecture, the pioneers here were bees. Perfectly even honeycombs, built according to the principle of the golden section, fascinate observers to this day. What can we say about ancient philosophers and mathematicians, because in those days every step of a person’s life was tied to symbols.For a long time in architecture the hexagonused as a defense against enemies or a symbol of worship. One of the earliest references to the hexagon in architecture is the Temple of Jupiter Hyliopolitanus, built by the Romans as early as 200 AD. A hexagonal courtyard was built in front of the sanctuary, an obvious attempt to communicate to the god Jupiter how much he was revered. Another, later appearance of the hexagon is the hexagonal tower of a castle built in England around 1400. It stood on a hill, was surrounded by a moat, and was intended to instill fear in enemies and cause them to flee.
Hexagonal fortresses were built in Europe and inMiddle Ages. An example is the city of Karlovac in Croatia, built in 1579. It consisted of fortifications forming a hexagonal star with bastions at the corners. The world-famous city of Palmanova is an improved nonagon, but the idea is still the same. Inga Azhgirey, interior designer - Hexagon tiles confidently hold a leading position in the line of formats of manufacturing factories. Customers and designers have fallen in love with honeycombs, and now also elongated honeycombs and their interpretations for the unusual shape even in the simplest execution, for a wide range of decorative possibilities when using budget series. The most trendy are hexagons of concrete, asphalt texture, with imprints of cast-iron drainpipes. And now textures of large-scale fabric weaving are appearing, which gives a wonderful decorative play of light and shadow on the shape. What kind of hexagonal tiles are there! Matte and glossy, small and large format, with plant ornament, with imitation of old English brick, marble, wood. All this, even in a somewhat crazy combination with each other, will easily make the interior complex and original. And also, due to the shape and the fact that hexagons are mainly porcelain tiles, they provide an excellent opportunity to create a flowing space that flies apart into modules.
And only in the 17-18 centuries the sacred meaninghexagon and its mystical meaning faded into the background. This form in a new flirtatious and refined form became a fashionable decoration of luxurious mansions - the hexagonal shape of the building, yard, furniture. And hexagon tiles began to appear in Italy and Spain - where the best interior trends are born. The crowning glory of its existence was the famous relief tiles with marine patterns, which were created by Antonio Gaudi at the beginning of the 20th century. They are used to pave the sidewalks in Barcelona.
Nowadays, hexagonal tiles have gained popularitya new interpretation in architecture. For example, a “scaly” crown of relief black ceramic tiles crowns the Basel Museum of Cultures in Switzerland, created by architects Herzog and de Meuron. As for residential interiors, creating a “bee” home, that is, perfectly thought out and cozy, is the dream of any architect or designer. The hexagon shape is actively used in the creation of furniture, decor and interior decoration, but tiles are a classic.
Hexagonal tiles are used in decorationnot only the bathroom and kitchen, but also the living room, hallway or adjoining area. With the help of such tiles, you can originally zone the space in the room, separating, for example, the kitchen from the dining room: the border will be uneven and the transition from one zone to another will be smooth and unobtrusive. Modern collections of hexagonal tiles can be miniature almost like a mosaic or, on the contrary, very large and reach more than 50 centimeters in width. This tile will easily fit into both classic and modern interiors, but the main rule is that the colors should be restrained and monochrome. We have prepared a selection of the most popular options among Russian designers. Surely, you will find one that you like.
Equipment– Cement Hexatile
Peronda Argila Vezelay
Fine Objects
TIMBER by Natucer
Terra by Marco Corona
ARCADIA by Codicer 95
Rift by Vives-ceramica Some more complex types of hexagon tiles
Kerama Marazzi
Chevron by WOW Design
ALCHIMIA by Quintessenza If the regular hexagon shape is not close to you, but you still want geometric motifs, then you can choose one of these options
Lenny Kravitz for LEA Ceramiche
MARJAL by Leroy Merlin
Caprice DECO Origami B&W from Equipe
Horus art liberty
BRIX And of course, classic square or rectangular tiles with a geometric pattern are another trend that is no worse than hexagons.
Terra by Marca Corona
Terra by Fap
Masia Blue by Equipe
Leroy Merlin
Kerama Marazzi
Hexagonal tile hexagon: 23 uses of decor