There were only a few minutes left before the guests arrived, andyour apartment hasn't had time to take on a presentable appearance yet? No problem! Now we will teach you how to quickly transform the interior and show yourself as a conscientious host. As is well known, "he who goes to visit acts wisely." And, of course, not only because you won't have to cook a piglet in apples yourself, but also because you won't be "dumped" with cleaning and preparing the apartment itself. However, now we will tell you how, if it was not you who decided to act wisely.Mat First of all, you should take care of that,so that there is a tray (or trays, depending on the number of guests) with small pebbles for outdoor shoes in the hallway. After all, it is winter outside, and puddles in the apartment look unattractive. Secondly, lay a fresh rug or renew the old one (this is done very simply: sprinkle it with baking soda, vacuum it after 15 minutes). And thirdly, we are looking for beautiful slippers for ladies and brutal ones for gentlemen.
Trempel Many guests, especially their beautifulSome are very meticulous about storing their clothes. Therefore, hang the hangers on a hanger in advance so that after a fun evening, guests can pick up their clothes not wrinkled, like you did in the morning, but in their "pristine" form.
Seating First, count (although(approximately) the number of guests. Then, looking around the living room, find that one and only sofa and free it from unnecessary items (a blanket, a favorite magazine, a TV remote control...). In general, the space should be freed from things as much as possible, and since you are short on time, you can use, for example, a pantry as a temporary shelter for "extra" items. Well, if there is not enough furniture in the living room, then bring chairs from the bedroom and armchairs from the bedroom, because the main thing is that the guests are comfortable.
Children and pets Guests will come to you inhome to have fun, not to play the role of Mary Poppins or Yuri Kuklachev. Therefore, take care in advance of who to leave the children with on this wonderful day, and also find an activity for your pet (if it is not possible to simply put it in a separate ).
Glasses Make sure there are enough glasses for all guests (don't forget to count yourself). And, of course, polish the drinking vessels until they shine. Besides, it's not difficult at all:
- Rinse the glasses with warm water;
- take a towel a glass by the base, while the other end of the towel wipe the bowl itself;
- For shiny gloss, you can hold a glass for a short time over boiling water.
Beautiful towel Yes, yes, everyone knows thatThe bathroom is the "face" of the mistress of the house. That is why it is worth hanging a beautiful, clean towel in the bathroom. And items that are directly related to your hygiene are best hidden in cabinets. As we have already said - the more free space, the better.
A bucket in the toilet We will not go into details. It is better to just put a bucket in the toilet. It certainly will not be superfluous, but it can save you from unpleasant consequences.
Music When you start to transform yourhome, turn on your favorite songs - this will really speed up the process. And when you receive guests, put on some relaxing background music. This will smoothly set a positive start to the evening.
Smoking area If among the invitedguests are people with bad habits, it is better to prepare a place for smoking in advance. Even if you are a fan of a healthy lifestyle, by placing an ashtray on the loggia, you will show yourself as a sensitive, attentive host.
Special services phones We trust you, and alsoWe expect your guests to be adequate. However, it would be better to print out and hang in a prominent place the phone numbers of the local ambulance, police, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We hope that you will not need these numbers, but you will not have to waste time searching for them if you do.