Design and Decor

How to beautifully decorate a room: ideas for decorating a rented apartment


DIY wall decor in the apartment only withAt first glance, it seems like an unpretentious exercise that everyone can handle, but when it comes to practice, many people get stuck. Therefore, we turned to professional designers Kira Vavakina, Alexey Ilyin and Elena Krylova for help. Advice from Kira Vavakina: how to transform a rented apartment Kira Vavakina Graduated from the Higher School of Industrial Art, Faculty of Interior. She worked at RKMDI (Russian Combine of Monumental and Decorative Arts) and at the Home store design studio. Today he is engaged in private practice. - I will not talk about styles. As a rule, this is out of the question in the "ugly apartment". In this case, only maximum wall decoration and a combination of different patterns, borders, colors and fabrics are possible. Then you will get a "temporary theater", and it is very interesting to make yourself a temporary decoration, like in a theater! Advice number 1: stick a plain wallpaper in a beautiful color First you need to look carefully at the wallpaper and understand if everything is so bad. For example, if you have a nondescript sweater, you can always “cheer up” it with a bright scarf. So with wallpaper: buy one roll of plain wallpaper in a beautiful color that matches the existing one. Re-glue one wall or one piece. Cover the opposite wall with shelves or a bookcase. Tip # 2: Freshen up with small details Here's what else you can do to transform the big picture:

  • A time-worn sofa with an obviously unattractive appearance is decorated with a beautiful blanket brought with you.
  • On the floor, put a small woven rug, bought at the sale.
  • Buy any suitable fabric (chintz or polyester) in the remains, for example in IKEA, and make a curtain with your own hands.
  • If the table has an ugly old countertop, you can cut out its form of hardboard, and put a piece of beautiful cloth or wallpaper under it.

Tip # 3:textiles as the basis of the entire interior It is possible to use fabrics of different patterns. For example, stretch and secure textiles on a wall (or part of it) using carpet rings. In this case, the door should be partially covered with a curtain, as was done before. Tip # 4: bright edging of paper borders Another technique is decorative and simple. In wallpaper stores, rolls of paper borders with different motives are often available for sale: floral, geometric. Buy such a decorative element and glue along the ceiling along the entire perimeter - and the bright edging is ready! Tips from Alexey Ilyin:choice in favor of decorative finishing Alexey Ilyin Graduated from the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganov (MGHPA named after Stroganov), a member of the Moscow Union of Designers and the International Public Association "Union of Designers" (IDASS). Today he is the head of the Maximus design bureau. - I'll tell you about practical ways to decorate walls. In my design practice, I have come across such a problem as scary walls, and I believe that its solution should be cardinal. In addition, the owners of rented dwellings, as a rule, are pleased with the improvement of the aesthetic qualities of the rented space. Tip # 1: don't despair! So, the long-awaited moment has come: you crossed the threshold of the apartment you rented - and suddenly you were dumbfounded. A cursory inspection the day before did not alarm you, but when the owners took out furniture, mirrors, carpets and paintings, you saw walls with peeling wallpaper, bumpy corners and rectangles on faded surfaces, some suspicious streaks and other "charms". And here there are two ways: to remain a "happy" owner of walls with worn, in places cracked and peeling paint, or to change everything for the better and make a choice in favor of decorative plaster. It is impossible to live happily with eerie walls, but this is not a disaster. Look at the situation differently: now you have a reason to show your individuality and bring some fresh and aesthetic touches to your life in a new place. Your desire to live in a new way generates a thirst for action! Tip # 2:prepare the wall for experimentation Remove the old wallpaper along with the paper or newspaper backing. Defective stains or decorative plaster, if any, can also be partially removed in areas of greatest damage. Often cracks are found on such walls, eliminate them - "embroider" and putty. And now in front of your gaze is a relatively smooth and clean surface of the walls. Nothing extra. You can take the opportunity and do a short meditation. When "enlightenment" touches your consciousness, you can move on. Tip # 3:choose the type of wall covering It is worth remembering that the wall covering can be bright and self-sufficient, or it can only be the background on which the elements that form the interior are located, and the location of the decor fragments. Different types of wall coverings require different wall preparation, this must be taken into account. Tip # 4: the right wallpaper Choose one that suits you and suits the overall concept of the room. They can contrast with flooring, furniture and other things, or they can act as "companions", complementing all this and emphasizing a certain commonality. Tip # 5: decorative plaster as part of the interior Painting or decorative plaster, like wallpaper, can function as a bright, unusual component of the interior. For example, "Venetian" or other plaster with significant relief or active color scheme. It is not necessary to opt for brightness. "Calm" plaster or paint that does not stand out by itself will perfectly emphasize the "filling" of the walls, the color-textured properties of furniture and decor. Tip # 6:create the effect of carelessness You can decorate the walls, keeping the deliberate carelessness of the putty. Leave any chipped areas and cavities by applying the plaster with a coarse trowel or even your hand. Paint this "natural splendor" with matt white paint. This will create an unusually attractive image of a "medieval cell", which will make it possible to use the plane of the walls as a kind of "exhibition space". Paintings of any direction, edged photographs (especially black and white), some oriental carpets and souvenirs, weapons, flat ceramics, and any collectibles look amazing on such a wall. Tip # 7:leave it as it is In general, the deliberate simplicity, even some roughness of the wall decoration perfectly emphasizes the sophistication of what we perceive against their background, be it neo-baroque furniture, modern glass interior items or a Barcelona armchair. Sometimes the walls are generally left concrete, a la naturel, even with seams. And this is also a kind of aesthetic technique that allows you to create a natural background for an interesting and bright or restrained filling of the living space. So you can just remove all the "historical and household layers" and leave only plaster, concrete or brick. Tip # 8:do not spoil the brick wall Sometimes a brick wall is covered with a special uniform paint coating that imitates the natural color of the brick. I doubt the advisability of such a finish. Firstly, because natural and even more old brick does not need a decorating coating. Secondly, it seems to me that any fake or imitation is mauvais ton (bad taste), if this is not dictated by any good reasons. Tip # 9:Combine types of finishes A variant of combined wall finishes is possible, when, based on the general conceptual idea of ​​the interior solution, you can decorate the walls in different ways. This is quite justified if it corresponds to the general idea. In this version, it is possible to effectively use photo or embossed wallpaper imitating, say, an antique fresco. Selective fragmentary wall decoration is also possible. For example, when, with a general monochromatic light color, a part of the wall, which is highlighted by plaster overhead elements, is finished with “Venetian plaster”, it is performed using alfrean work under marble or under onyx. Tip # 10: Stick to the Design Concept Whatever you do, whichever method of wall decoration you choose, you must strictly adhere to the design concept that underlies your interior design. And then you will find bliss living in your ideal living space, and you will be happy whenever you return home. Read also -. Tips from Elena Krylova:if it is impossible to agree with the owners of the apartment Elena Krylova Practicing designer, decorator, head of a design studio, a graduate of the International School of Design. The studio's portfolio includes design projects for Bari Alibasov, Natasha Koroleva, Lena Lenina, Edita Piekha and other stars of show business. Collaborates with several TV channels. - Difficulties in interior decoration of rented apartments always consist in agreement with the owners. Often it is impossible to neither paint nor re-glue the wallpaper in the interior of a rented apartment. The materials at hand come to the rescue, which will help to hide flaws and at the same time are quickly dismantled in case of dissatisfaction with the owners. Related Articles Tip # 1: Create an illusion Alternatively, textiles can help. Drape the wall, and with the help of photo wallpaper create an imitation of a false window. Tip # 2: Hang up posters and paintings Decorate the wall with posters and paintings by placing them close to each other on the wall, creating an interesting installation. This will not only allow you to close the wall, but also create an interesting decorative effect. Tip # 3: Cover the wall with plywood, cork or drywall In the end, you can simply cover the wall with a sheet of drywall, plywood or cork. Of course, this will "steal" a little space in the apartment, but it will look better than initially. With the sheet, in turn, you can come up with everything that you have enough imagination for. For example, create a planning with tasks for the week or attach your photos. Or you can paint a sheet with your children or paint it with a slate effect. This option is the fastest and most painless in terms of installation. If you get tired of the sheet over time, then it is easy to take it out of the apartment. Source:

