Original and stylishly decorated walls -key element of the interior. They can be decorated with paintings or photos, or you can go further and create unique drawings with your own hands. And for this you do not need expensive materials and artistic skills.With the help of wall painting you can give the interiorexpressiveness, originality and coziness. The main stage of drawing, oddly enough, is the choice of technique and sketch. If you do not have any special abilities or skills, it is better to turn to a professional or choose a simple master class. If you have the makings of an artist, you can start experimenting. When choosing a drawing, you must first of all start from its relevance and topicality. Large bright images can get boring over time, and a portrait of a character from a children's cartoon is unlikely to please a teenager. So, the direction for creativity has been chosen, you can move on.
Materials, tools, preparatory stage
It is very important to pay attention to thispreparatory stage. And it consists not only in the correct surface treatment. By the beginning of the work, all materials and tools should be at hand, since the paints dry quite quickly, and an unplanned break can lead to a breakdown in the process. Before applying the image, the wall must be leveled. The next stage will be applying the primer.To paint the walls you will need a set of brushesdifferent sizes and shapes. If necessary, the surface can be painted, having first selected a tone that will perfectly shade the drawing. Also, depending on the chosen technology, you will need:
- stepladder or table;
- acrylic paints;
- brushes, sponges and rollers;
- containers for mixing;
- pencil;
- stencil and double-sided scotch tape;
- clean cloth;
- acrylic lacquer in an aerosol can.
Of course, stencils are only needed ifyou plan to paint the wall with your own hands using them. It is also worth buying white paint, even if it is not part of the composition, with its help you can smooth out any excessively bright tone or place accents. It is better to take brushes with natural bristles. To transfer the outline of the drawing, it is better to use a soft pencil, for example, a simple, moderately hard one. Wide lines will be more difficult to paint over or remove. An erroneously applied stroke can always be removed using a regular eraser. After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed to the main part of creating a masterpiece. Return to the table of contents</a>
Drawing with a stencil
This is one of the easiest drawing techniques onwalls. It is easier to just apply a vinyl sticker. But the result of the work looks impressive, of course, if the shades are chosen correctly and the work is done carefully (Fig. 1).Figure 1.To work with a stencil, you do not need to be able to draw, just accuracy and patience. A ready-made stencil can be purchased at a specialized store of goods for creativity. If you do not find a satisfactory image there, you can make a template yourself. To do this, you need to find a suitable image. It is important that the lines are not too thin, otherwise the base will be difficult to cut out and even more difficult to apply paint evenly. The drawing should be transferred to thick paper or cardboard. The easiest way to do this is to divide it into squares and gradually transfer the details of the image. After the template is ready, it must be fixed to the prepared wall. This can be done with double-sided tape. It is most convenient to paint over free spaces with a roller or sponge. When applying paint with a brush, it may flow under the cardboard, which means that the accuracy of the lines will be impaired. After all the areas have been painted, the working part of the wall should be left until completely dry. It is important not to try to remove the stencil immediately, this may lead to smudging of the drawing. After 24 hours, you can remove the cardboard template and cover the part of the wall with varnish. This will help secure the painting, preserve the brightness of the colors and their texture. Return to contents</a>
Simple wall painting
If you don't like using a template, you canPaint a wall effectively with your own hands. There are techniques that are simple to perform, but look extremely effective in the interior. For example, you can use the same stencil, but in a small size and move it. These can be outlines of flowers, silhouettes of exotic plants or street lamps. All you need is to mix the stencil and paint the free space, without worrying too much about accuracy. To apply paint, it is better to use a miniature roller or sponge. The secret of effectiveness and ease of execution is banal. The drawing will need to be finalized. Too large and conspicuous flaws should be removed immediately. To do this, just wet the sponge with warm water and remove the smeared paint with one confident movement. After drying, it is necessary to place accents using white and black (dark gray) paint. With light strokes, outline the borders of the petals, mark glare on the surface, or maybe depict a drop of dew. The special advantage of the technique is that any defect, be it slightly smeared paint or asymmetrical distance between the fragments of the drawing, can always be corrected. And, of course, the result should be fixed with a layer of acrylic varnish. Return to contents</a>
Level: professional
Even an ordinary amateur can paint a wallalmost at a professional level (Fig. 2). To do this, it is enough to follow the master's instructions precisely and select all the materials correctly. And, of course, carefully study the master class.Figure 2. You need to start the process of painting the wall with a pencil sketch.
Original hand-made wall painting can decorate any interior. The main thing is to choose the right technique and prepare the materials. And, of course, let your creativity shine.