How to choose the right wallpaper?How to avoid problems with footage? Which wallpaper base is more environmentally friendly? What do you need to know about wallpaper to avoid getting into trouble? Our wall design experts answered these and other questions. If you have given up on the luxurious and brutal design of your walls with brickwork or hooligan graffiti, then you should head straight to a wallpaper salon. With the help of our experts, we have prepared several recommendations that will help you choose the right wallpaper for your home and withstand the onslaught of a helpful consultant.
When you buy clothes, do you try them on?So, wallpaper is clothing for the home. Therefore, feel free to try wallpaper on the wall. You should look at the wallpaper not in a roll, but by rolling it out one or two meters on the wall. You can attach a sample to the wall and move away a few meters, evaluate the overall picture. If you still like some wallpaper, buy a test roll and test it in the "field", that is, at home.Pay special attention to lighting.In the salon, it usually does not match the home: daylight lamps are colder than the lighting in the apartment. The color of the wallpaper and the feeling of it in rooms facing different directions changes significantly. Thus, light cold wallpaper can acquire a dirty shade in the "southern" room, and in the "northern" one sometimes really wants to add warmth and brightness with the help of wallpaper of warmer shades.
It would be a good idea to “try on” the wallpaper separately in sunny and rainy weather – sometimes you might not believe that it is the same wallpaper!
Look how the room is lit and how the wallpaper looks on a sunny day.
Wallpaper by collections and colors
Try not to buy wallpaper from different collections. Choose one collection - this will allow you to make the interior more harmonious and less colorful. You will live with this wallpaper for at least three years.Of course, if you love to take risks and loveexperiments, you can choose wallpaper from different collections. But it is still better to study all the available offers. Professional designers worked on them, making sure that the combination was stylistically correct and at the same time not banal. Elena Kukharskaya, CEO of Ar-project: - As in any business, when choosing wallpaper, it is important to clearly define the task. Wandering in search of something simple or suddenly liked is useless - the choice of wallpaper is huge, and the process can drag on. Decide on the interior style of the room for which you are choosing wallpaper - classic, Provence, modern, contemporary style, avant-garde - this will narrow the search. An important point in choosing wallpaper is zoning the future interior of the room, this will help determine whether you will highlight one or several interior zones. Modern collections offer a huge selection of companion wallpapers. To decide on the color scheme, it would be good to have an idea of the future filling of the room. If the furniture already lives in your home, take photos of it. If you are just planning to buy furniture, doors, etc., stock up on samples of veneers or color samples in furniture stores, this will help you not to make a mistake in choosing the shade of wallpaper for your room. ar.arproject
Once you have decided on the overall style, you will be able to more easily select the design for each room separately. Do not rush. Your home is only your project.
To be sure, visit several salons.Don't neglect small shops. They are often resellers of famous companies that do not work for the mass market, but supply capsule collections. Having bought wallpaper from them, you can be sure of the exclusivity and quality of the selected product. In our opinion, the most interesting companies from the premium segment with a large number of capsule collections are Zoffani, Morris & Co, Designers Guild. We used elements of some collections of these companies to illustrate the article.
Wallpaper by type
Glue wallpaper according to type.Each room has its own type of wallpaper. For example, it is better to cover a children's room with eco-wallpaper on a breathable base, and vinyl wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper can be used for the living room.If in doubt, chooseclassic collection from a well-known and respected manufacturer. Classic is always high-quality and fashionable. Natasha Lomeiko, architect-designer, coach, managing partner of the Elizabeth Interiors studio, author and presenter of trainings in the field of VIP interior design: - Of course, using the right type of wallpaper is very important. So, for children's rooms we recommend using paper wallpaper. They are very environmentally friendly, and their quality is now very high. Paper wallpaper is also great for decorating the living room and bedroom, because we spend quite a lot of time in these rooms. We can recommend vinyl for such rooms as the kitchen, hallway ...
Be sure to ask for a certificate.Quality wallpapers necessarily undergo several stages of different tests (hygienic standards). And all this is scrupulously documented. If the collection you have chosen does not come with a long list that begins with the word "Tested", then look further, because this is not your wallpaper.Wallpaper takes up a large area in our homes andapartments and can significantly affect our health and the ecology of the surrounding space, so it is important to know exactly what materials they are made of and what paints were used in production.
Olesya and Elena Stasov, heads of the studio "StasovySisters":
— If we talk about serious author projects,then it is better to trust your designer. Because this is the person who knows this market. He leads your project and will take into account all your wishes, will find the best option for you (both in price and quality). If you still buy wallpaper yourself, take into account the number of rolls when buying. You will protect yourself by buying one roll more than necessary. When gluing wallpaper, part of the roll can be cut off to fit the specified rapport (repeating element of the picture). And even if your child feels like an artist and depicts his masterpiece on the wall, or "creative talents" awaken in the cat, you can easily return the wall to its original appearance. If you return to buying wallpaper later, their color may differ, it has tonal differences in each batch. The batch number must match on each of the purchased rolls.
From the editors: We would like to thank Natasha Lomeiko for her participation in preparing the material.,,