Organization of space

How to save space in the hallway: 5 receptions


Do you want to know how to save space in the hallway?How to equip it so that the neighbors are jealous? And why is it so necessary to get rid of the trash? With the help of our material, you will deal with all these questions. Everyone knows how you want to relax when you return home after a hard day. But not everyone can afford it. Because behind the threshold we are met by a cluttered or cluttered hallway. And not only to relax, sometimes even to sit down becomes extremely difficult. Many people are faced with this problem, so we decided to pick up 5 tricks for you that will help save space in the hallway and create a carefree atmosphere in it.

1. Cabinet without walls

Rather, only without a back wall. This maneuver not only will increase the internal space of the cabinet, but also reduce the price of this piece of furniture due to the less quantity of materials for its manufacture. A cabinet up to the ceiling is very roomy.

2. Air-conditioned furniture

Another practical solution is the hanging shelvesand thumbs. Simple and elegant. And an open space, formed under this furniture, you can dispose of with advantage. For example, to store there everyday shoes.

3. Transformers

From the title it is clear that we are talking abouttransformable furniture. This is a very modern option, which will provide an opportunity to place a small amount of space in a small space. And everything can be transformed from chairs and pouffes to tables and shelves.

4. Swiss knife

Everyone knows this wonderful invention, but littlewho thinks that other objects can be multifunctional. So, for example, an excellent exit for a small hallway will be a bench with cells for storing shoes and with shelves for all sorts of useful things.

5. Minimalism

This technique concerns the correct organizationspace. In the hallway there are many things that are lying in sight, but in most cases they are used by us rarely or not at all. Therefore, it is important to leave only the most necessary, and the rest to find a cozy place somewhere in the boxes. And, of course, do not put unnecessary correspondence on the table at the entrance, which now comes in tons.

