Modern construction markets offera large number of finishing materials for floors. In recent years, cork has received special recognition. It can be found both in residential premises and in public organizations. This universal covering does not deform, does not rot and retains its initial indicators regardless of the degree of mechanical impact. Various natural patterns harmonize perfectly with items made of natural wood. How to lay a cork floor? To do this, you should study in more detail the properties of this valuable material and the main stages of installation work.Cork flooring has good propertiessoundproofing and does not require special care. The named sample is made from the bark of the cork oak. This tree grows in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. Its bark is peeled from the trunk and carefully crushed. After that, tiles and panels are made from the finished shavings using the hot pressing method. This material is classified as an item with a natural base, and its naturalness is also observed in its color. Sometimes, the external design of such samples is allowed with veneer. As a result, the finished base will have an original pattern. Natural cork flooring is characterized by a number of positive qualities:
The listed advantages of cork allow a large number of consumers to make a choice in its favor.
Varieties of cork flooring
Cork flooring diagram.There are two types of cork flooring: adhesive-laid and glue-free materials called "floating" flooring. The first type of flooring consists of only one cork, the thickness of which corresponds to 4 and 6 mm. The smallest slabs are suitable for finishing uneven bases. Tiles corresponding to 6 mm mask any defects well. Floating cork flooring is represented by slabs connected with locks. There is an MDF layer here, and an insulating lining material in the lower part. The structure of such a flooring is similar to laminate. Laying a cork floor directly depends on properly prepared tools, such as:
- pencil;
- roulette;
- gon;
- construction knife;
- drill;
- putty knife;
- electric jigsaw;
- a hacksaw with small teeth;
- a hammer;
- rubber hammer.
The cork floor will be laid correctly whenprovided that it is well fixed to the base. Dust, debris and foreign substances that interfere with a high-quality connection with the plane are removed from the surface. A concrete screed prepared in advance precedes laying. The tiles are attached directly to its surface or to plywood sheets that are laid on this covering. Before starting work, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing layer. For these purposes, polyethylene film is used, the joints of overlapping joints are glued. Return to contents</a>
Features of laying floating floors
Cork flooring installation diagram.As soon as the surface preparation is completed, you can start laying the floating cork floor. The technique for this type of installation is similar to working with laminate. During the main activities, a certain temperature in the room should be maintained. First, an insulating underlay is laid on the base of the floor. The joints are joined and glued with adhesive tape. After that, the width of the room perpendicular to the laid slabs is measured. The resulting figure is divided by similar indicators of the material used. Accordingly, this value will be the width of the tile. Its dimensions on the last row will be more than 5 cm. All work on laying the cork begins with corner points. You should step back 5-10 mm from the walls. Subsequent laid rows are cut along the last panel of the first row. Short joints of tiles are shifted in each chain, the permissible distance will be 20 cm or more. The connection of individual parts of the cork is carried out according to the following scheme: each started row is fixed in the grooves of the laid planks, observing an angle of 30 °. It is then bent down to the floor and shifted until it meets the small edge of the other plank in the last row.
The procedure for gluing cork tiles in corners.A gap of 5-10 mm is left between the floor and the radiator. When connecting the materials in question, a special guide strip is used at the doorways. It is fixed to the floor, between the panels. Upon completion of the work, the spacer wedges are removed. Then you can attach the skirting boards. They are fixed to the walls, while you should not forget to leave a small gap, allowing you to accept any changes in the material that occur under the influence of external stimuli. Return to the table of contents</a>
Method for laying cork adhesives
The adhesive plug is placed starting from the middlerooms. Before starting the main work, the material is laid out, the joints and edges with the applied glue are checked. In this case, the cork can be folded one to another or shifted in each row. Special compounds are used as an adhesive. They are applied with a spatula to the lower surface of the tile. To ensure their best adhesion, it is recommended to take a rubber hammer and tap the joints of individual elements. So, laying a cork floor with your own hands is not difficult. Such work is within the power of any novice craftsman. But you should adhere to the established installation technology, and then the coating will delight you with its beauty and practicality for a long time.