When designing your own kitchen, you need totake into account all the details. We will talk further about how to make the kitchen functionally convenient so that any work on it brings only satisfaction. The workspace in any place requires careful optimization. The kitchen is no exception. all the main elements will allow you to avoid any problems, assuming only the convenience and comfort of cooking on it. And how many culinary masterpieces can be born in this atmosphere! It is possible and even necessary to make the kitchen suitable for work.Kitchen Varenna Kyton2 The main principleправильно обустроенного рабочего места на кухне становится идея соответствия последовательности приготовления пищи. Деление пространства на зоны и так называемый кухонный треугольник заметно облегчают навигацию и готовку. Развести по разным углам холодильник и плиту, а микроволновку не ставить рядом с мойкой — основные правила.
Kitchen Varenna Poliform, model ALEA2 AlsoIt is necessary to leave a gap of at least half a meter between the tabletop and the hanging shelves. Do not forget about the lighting system of the work surface and table, so that cooking and eating do not take place in the dark. Properly located sockets, which are also moisture-resistant, will save you from the problem of arranging all energy-dependent devices.
Kitchen Varenna Kyton Kitchen is the mosta complex element in the house in terms of technical content. And we are talking not only about the number of household appliances, such as a dryer, dishwasher, air grill, food processor, etc., but also about all kinds of tools for cooking - knives, ladles, graters, scissors. Everything should be accessible and preferably right at hand.
Kitchen Varenna Poliform, model ALEA
Kitchen Varenna, My Planet CR&S2 Mentionedthe equipment should be compact and, as suggested, built-in. This way it takes up less space and looks very aesthetically pleasing and fashionable in the kitchen interior. No inconvenient gaps, protruding wires, only the elegant design and shiny control panel remain visible.
Kitchen Varenna Poliform, model ALEA3 Manystorage space — that's what comes to the fore. Fittings that are selected according to desires and possibilities will be able to accommodate everything you need, and even a little more. And if it is equipped with lifting or sliding mechanisms, folding or hinged doors, hinges or corners — the storage functionality increases several times. The main purpose is to expand the interior space and facilitate access to the contents of the cabinet.
Varenna cuisine, My Planet CR&S3
MOBALPA kitchens, model ALKORE Another convenientelement is considered to be a railing. It is a long horizontal metal rod that passes through and is attached to the wall. You can hang many things on it, from towels or boards to lids or additional shelves. And for many, a special aesthetic pleasure will be brought by such a design of the bar counter, in which the glasses and glasses will hang directly above it.
Kitchen Varenna, My Planet CR&amp OlgaLesina, "Kitchen Interiors": - The best solution for a person who wants to arrange a workspace in the kitchen would be to contact a salon. An employee will be able to competently and beautifully plan the space based on your requests and desires. The area of the kitchen, its design, the number of shelves, drawers and equipment - everything is important for creating an ideal kitchen in which it is convenient and pleasant to work.
How to equip a comfortable kitchen: design and equipment rules