Bigger is not always better, especially whenwe are talking about the kitchen. The smaller it is, as a rule, the more functional the work space it has. An efficient work area and stylish design are not available only to a large kitchen.Small Kitchen Ideas Everything you need -These are some good ideas for organizing the work area, as well as a couple of fresh stylistic solutions. And then your kitchen will sparkle with new colors: it will become as practical, original and properly organized as possible. "If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life," - Louis Parrish We have collected the best solutions for . They will solve the tasks, while having a sophisticated style. Three most common problems of such spaces: clutter, lack of storage space and lighting problems.
Laconic design with an unexpected accentClutter This is usually a side effect of not having enough space. Often, adding more space doesn’t solve the problem – the kitchen becomes simpler and the necessary items disappear. Go through all the cabinets and drawers (especially the ones in the back) and sacrifice anything you haven’t used for a long time. Ask yourself if you really need a cherry pitter or an egg slicer. Once you’ve cleared out the cabinets, visual clutter can be reduced by placing anything that’s in the way of the surface in the freed-up storage spaces.
Bar stools do not weigh down the space.And when needed, they hide under the counter Lack of storage space Have you already cleared out your storage, but still feel like it’s not enough? This is a common problem. Use tricks to maximize the usefulness of horizontal and vertical surfaces, such as this trick for turning the side of the sink into a cutting board.
The cutting board has found its place near the sink
Great idea for using something usefulspace around the sink Dark kitchen Dark rooms always look smaller visually, so it is recommended to make the walls in light colors. If you like a rich, dark kitchen design, add different lighting options. Using additional lighting under the wall cabinets will highlight the work area and put an emphasis on them.
The fashion for stylish, dark kitchens continuesUrban Interior Design Good lighting makes a space appear larger, regardless of color. Consider some of the following ideas: • Add LED strips or long fluorescent lights on shelves and under cabinets to illuminate the work surface. • Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient ones. • Install additional pendant lights to implement multi-level lighting in addition to the existing system. • Replace outdated light fixtures. • Add mirrors to the walls of the kitchen or consider adding small mirror elements to reflect light.
Using a mirrored apron visually expands the space
A metallic apron will not only addoriginality to the interior, but also make it visually larger The easiest decor ideas to implement: • Hanging racks for dishes • Wall for kitchen tools • Transformer furniture • Increased work area • Additional shelves
An easy to implement solution that will not spoil the appearance of the kitchen at all
Kitchen with island table in metalwooden countertop design 1. Hanging racks for dishes While most small kitchens do not have enough space to install large and bulky racks for pots, pans and other kitchen utensils, there are options for limited spaces. Hanging racks do not necessarily have to hang from the ceiling: some of them can be mounted on the wall. It looks very organic.
Everything you need is at hand. You just need to stretch it!
An excellent solution for small kitchen areas 2.Kitchen Tool Wall Take a cue from busy restaurant kitchens, which use industrial hardware walls and shelving to store kitchen items. Here are some ways to display numerous tools and supplies right on the wall: • Hang utensil racks. A simple wall-mounted design with a few hooks can hold tools using loops or holes. • Decorate and reinforce a cutting board, and use it to hang your tools. Keep items organized by color or type of use. • Use wall magnets to store knives and spice jars.
The tiny dining table is built into the wall, and the chairs are storage boxes. All ingenious is simple!
All possible methods must be used andPlaces: Wine bottles on shelves against the walls, pots under the ceiling 3. Transformer furniture Get creative in adding maximum functionality to your kitchen. Find ways to create a multifunctional space with practical furniture pieces that can be removed when needed. Some ideas include: • Backless bar stools that can easily be hidden under the counter. • Folding kitchen panels-tables. • Drop-down, wall-mounted cutting boards, kitchen scales, etc.
Solving the problem of lack of work space
Unusual design of cabinet 4.Maximizing Workspace When your goal is to create a modern kitchen look, one of the most important design elements is a minimalist, spacious kitchen counter. Not only does it look stylish, but it also increases the amount of work space, making cooking easier and more enjoyable. The first step is to remove all small appliances and items under the countertop. Here are some more ideas for maximizing workspace: • Modern electric cooktops. These days, their surfaces are completely smooth and compact. They have the added benefit of being almost flush with the main countertop, so you can place a cutting board or other items on it when not in use. • Gas cooktops. If you use a gas cooktop, you can purchase a cover that you can put on and turn it into additional workspace. Some materials of such covers are suitable even for chopping meat. • A portable butcher block or even lightweight tables on wheels work well as additional useful space. Buy a new one with wheels, or upgrade an old one yourself. Add a couple of simple stools to the prep table for a unique breakfast bar.
Add a couple of shelves to the wall. See how much you can fit in there?
A useful thing in the kitchen interior - restaurantTable 5. Extra Shelves Find space to install shelves or small shelving units for extra storage. For example, a row of narrow shelves added to an island table is ideal for storing cookbooks. Look for extra spaces, including corners or lofts.
An excellent solution for using space near sloping walls is additional shelves.
The wall is covered with chalk writing material.practical and modern, especially with hanging brackets We hope this article will inspire you to refresh your compact kitchen. Which idea did you like the most? Leave comments, discuss, share your experience!
Small Kitchen Ideas - 20 Photos