The entire Easter collection of the famous chain of storesFurniture and accessories will be on sale from April 16 to 30 There is very little time left before Easter and the May holidays. The Crate and Barrel chain decided to stir up public interest and announced a special promotion, during which the spring collection of tableware will cost almost a third less! Discounts on the Easter collection are valid until April 30, so it is best to hurry so that the prepared Easter cakes and other holiday attributes look as elegant as possible in new plates, among beautiful napkins and on eye-pleasing tablecloths.Let the holiday be unforgettable andexciting! Full information can be found on the company. Some of the accessories will appeal to both adults and children, so do not miss the opportunity to please your loved ones. And yourself, because discounts reach 30%.
Crate and Barrel's Easter Sale Has Kicked Off –