The linen we sleep on in our cozybedrooms, performs several functions, and first of all hygienic. But it can literally become a decoration of the bedroom, decorating and changing its appearance radically. In this regard, the pattern or print applied to bed linen is of great importance. The collection presented by the Thomas Paul studio is of interest.The developers of this collection have no doubt,that linen with animal prints will liven up the interior and lift the spirits of the owners of the house and their guests. However, for many ordinary people, such a bold "bed" solution is somewhat extreme: they prefer neutral stripes or muted flowers to a brutal tiger lying at their fingertips at night.
But if you have children growing up in your family, prints with images of cute and affectionate animals can inspire sweet dreams in your baby, and his and your night will be calm, and dreams will be bright and pleasant.
In the animal world. Collection of bed linen with unusual prints