Today's topic will be useful for those whoforced to move to a new place, which is much smaller than the previous one. How to do everything right, so that life is easy and comfortable? We suggest you familiarize yourself with the information presented below, thanks to which you will definitely achieve success.
Tune in positively
First of all, of course, it’s not worth itget upset. Remember that a small home means easy maintenance, low maintenance costs, and a break from the regulars who probably often gathered in your big house. Or maybe you bought a property that is located closer to the center? Then now you will be less dependent on the car, and will get to shops, restaurants, and cultural institutions faster. Look for the positives in everything!
Three priorities
Think carefully about what things you needwill come in handy in your new home. Make a list of the items you need and decide what kind of space you want: open or closed plan, do you need lots of light or do you like silhouettes, is privacy important to you?
What is worth getting rid of
Parting with things is very difficult!But try to dream a little about how good it will be for you in a new house, in which, of course, all the "acquired goods" will not fit. Do not take everything to heart, you will soon forget about this period.First, it's worth throwing away the broken and outdated ones.designs and products. Reduce the number of duplicates. After all, when you live in a large mansion, there are no issues with storing items. But in limited rooms - this is the main problem. It is better to buy what you need later.
Who to give the things to? First, offer your relatives to take the items they like. They will be very grateful to you.
If you have time and a little patience, then youYou can earn money by selling your things. You can also seek help from sales specialists, who are usually employees of real estate companies. This will make things go much faster. If all of the above options are not suitable for you, then use the services of renting storage space. But there is one negative fact - you do not know how long you will rent a storage space. And this will lead to significant financial costs.
Search and move
There is no longer any doubt that you will have tocompromise on the size. But if you can satisfy the three points above, consider yourself a winner! Of course, even the best-laid plans "give way". So immediately replace the furniture pieces with smaller options so that they better fit the new space.Consider purchasing structures that can accommodate a lot of your things. For example, install a floor-to-ceiling shelving unit that can effectively improve the quality of your daily life.
Forward movement
You must understand that now you will havecompletely different habits: you will no longer need to look for your New Year's toys in the attic or garage - everything will be at hand. Be extremely vigilant when buying furniture: make sure that it corresponds to the minimum space.