The cramped conditions of small apartments is a problem,appeared far from yesterday. However, a solution can always be found, and we have selected for you the best examples of redevelopment, the pros and cons of which are expertly and honestly written in our article In this tiny but cozy apartment, it was possible to arrange the bedroom as a separate room, which is an undoubted plus, but for this, the other areas - the kitchen, the living room - had to make room. The downside in this case can be considered the complete absence of a hallway area and space for outerwear.In this example, the area of the apartment allowsall the necessary functional areas, including cabinets and utility rooms, can be arranged quite freely. The downside is the lack of windows in the kitchen area, which is partly compensated by an opening at the level of the countertop towards the living room.
Quite a controversial layout of another onea small apartment in which the kitchen area is closed and isolated, and the sleeping area is only conditionally designated. The indefinite transit space, occupying half of the entire area of the apartment, is controversial: on the one hand, it creates a feeling of spaciousness, but, on the other hand, it looks “empty” and undeveloped. Among the advantages, one can note the compact proximity of the bathroom and kitchen, which greatly simplifies the installation of communications.
The space of this apartment is organized veryrational - the bedroom, albeit tiny, is in a separate room, the area of the hallway is minimal, and the kitchen countertop elegantly continues on the windowsill. Minor disadvantages include a too-deep closet in the hallway and a bar counter in the kitchen instead of a full-fledged dining table.
There is not much to see in this apartmenta successful attempt to organize a dressing room in the bedroom, which is not at all necessary given the small area of the apartment - it is much more practical to use a regular wardrobe. The dining table can be made even larger than in the project - in general, the areas of all zones are balanced and sufficient. Perhaps it would be worth "mirroring" the kitchen to the dining area to allocate additional space for the hallway.
Here the solution is almost identicalprevious, but the block with the wardrobe and boiler is very well arranged. The most noticeable drawback is the corridor dotted with doorways, which is difficult to use as a hallway. Reorganizing the kitchen-dining area would make it possible to expand the hallway, and replace the wall with an opening to the kitchen with a sliding wardrobe.
The load-bearing column in this apartment is locatedseparately, and with the help of partitions around it a lot of auxiliary rooms were organized. In general, this layout, although close to a square, is replete with many shallow niches, each of which is used to the last centimeter. However, placing the dishwasher and dryer (W/D - Washer/Dryer) so far from the kitchen may not be very practical.
The first thing that catches your eye here is the empty space.corner of the room near the opening from the kitchen to the living room. Of course, it will be developed later, but most likely "spontaneously". One of the original solutions here is the passage to the dressing room through the bathroom, which is not always convenient with a single and combined bathroom. In addition, the entrance to the dressing room from the bedroom would allow the cabinets to be placed not in an L-shape, but in a U-shape, increasing their size by one and a half times.
Place the bedroom closer to the entrance, and even withoutdirect lighting is an ambiguous solution, as is the entrance to the dressing room through the bathroom. At the same time, the apartment is quite spacious in all areas and rooms - an example of how a layout with a narrow corridor in the center can be most justified.
In this apartment, the ceiling beam definesplace of the bar counter, effectively and economically separating the kitchen and living room areas. A walk-in closet in the form of a through passage between the cabinets is also a very economical and convenient solution.
This rather spacious apartment has zonesThe bedrooms and living room are separated only conditionally. But the main drawback of the project is... the absence of a kitchen! Which is very strange given such areas, a huge bathtub on a pedestal, a hallway almost a quarter of the apartment...
The smallest studio apartment in terms of area, where,On the one hand, very rationally and meticulously calculated areas of the kitchen, dressing room and bathroom, but on the other hand, a huge unused space at the entrance and in the center, part of which could be given over to the hallway, separating it from the bedroom with low furniture and moving the TV there.
Placing a balcony right next to the entrance is possiblein the presence of an outdoor staircase, which is, to put it mildly, atypical for Russian conditions. Otherwise, the solutions are quite standard and time-tested: this is the separation of the kitchen area with the help of a "hybrid" of a table and a bar counter, the living room area from the bedroom - with the help of a free-standing sofa, the arrangement of a through passage through the dressing room along the built-in cabinets.
The division into zones of this square as a wholeThe apartment is defined by a multitude of columns. It is unusual to see a kitchen that is one and a half times smaller in area than a bathroom, and the small "nook" in front of the bathroom door makes no sense at all. It would be possible to enlarge the kitchen by placing the bathroom door in place of the sink.
A very rational layout allowedallocate the bedroom into a separate room - small, but sufficient area. This apartment is designed under the motto "everything you need, but nothing extra", balanced in terms of the areas of zones and rooms, in terms of the set of furniture and equipment. A minor minus is a rather narrow opening into the hallway, leaving it almost without natural light.
The solutions can be the most unexpected, such as,for example, , because the final word is always for the one who will live in this apartment. You can read about choosing and buying an apartment , it will also be interesting to study Moscow apartments.
The layout of a small apartment: design solutions for zoning