Today there is quite a largenumber of different materials for finishing the premises. Painting the walls is also used quite often. Using water-based, acrylic and other paints, you can choose the right color and texture for the room.Paint is often used to decorate walls, sohow easy it is to apply and how beautiful it looks. Existing application methods and textured rollers will allow you to implement various design variations. When talking about how to paint walls correctly, you should know that you will need to adhere to existing rules and technologies.
Preparatory work
Все окрашиваемое основания надо будет free. It is also necessary to clear a space of at least 2 m near it. It is recommended to seal the strip on the ceiling and on the adjacent walls at the junction with the base being painted, and also to cover the floor at least 1 m from the wall.To ensure that the paint goes on smoothly, beforeBefore painting, you need to prime the walls. First of all, you need to apply a primer. It will be used to ensure reliable adhesion of the paint and the base. With the help of primers, it will be possible to level the absorption capacity of the entire base, as a result of which the paint will be able to lay evenly, without the formation of stains. The primer mixture must dry completely. To do this, you need to wait about 5-6 hours. You can check the drying by touch. Thick water-based paint is most often found on sale. To be able to get an even matte coating over the entire wall, it must be diluted with water and mixed well. For mixing, it is recommended to use a construction mixer or a low-speed drill with an appropriate attachment. If you plan to apply textured patterns to the walls based on water-based paint, the composition does not need to be diluted with water. Paint must be prepared before finishing work. The paint will need to be additionally mixed immediately before finishing the walls.
To give paint a certain coloruse colorants. Once the right consistency is achieved, the paint can be given the desired color. For this, you can use different colorants. The required shade can be selected by combining these elements. It is recommended to entrust this work to specialists. Most often, construction stores have a special device for selecting paint and its production. Such devices also take into account the fact that the shade of the paint will change slightly after it dries. You should also pay attention to the level of gloss of the coating, since this parameter significantly affects color perception. For example, matte dyes are most often used to paint rooms where you need to create a calm and harmonious atmosphere. In such rooms, the light will be evenly distributed over the matte base. Glossy compositions are great for rooms exposed to external aggressive factors. It is very easy to remove traces of dirt from glossy bases. Return to contents</a>
How and what to paint walls correctly?
In order to paint the walls, you will need to purchase the following tools:To paint the walls you will need rollers and brushes.
Using rollers with different pile lengthsallows you to get different effects of paint distribution. Beginners are recommended to use a roller with soft pile of medium length. The technology of applying paint to surfaces is as follows:
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How many layers of paint are recommended?
To ensure that the paint is distributed evenly on the wall covered with finishing putty, it is recommended to apply the material in 2 or 3 layers.When painting walls, it is necessary to apply paint in2-3 layers. This is due to the fact that the last layer will not be absorbed into the building mixture. If you distribute the minimum amount of finishing material in each layer qualitatively, you can get an excellent result at a lower cost. You should know that using a large amount of material in the first layer does not lead to an acceptable result. In this way, you can only get streaks, which are quite difficult to get rid of later. Each subsequent layer should be applied after the previous one has partially dried. To make the paint dry faster, the room should be completely isolated from drafts. Return to contents</a>
Basic methods of painting walls
Wall painting scheme:1 - surface priming; 2 - preparing paint for work; 3 - painting corners; 4, 5 - the first vertical and second horizontal layers of paint; 6 - cleaning the working tool from paint. If you decide to finish the walls using a roller, you will need to stock up on such additional elements as a telescopic handle and a paint tray. The painting process is practically no different from painting the walls with a brush. The only difference is that the paint composition must first be poured into a container, after which the paint must be grabbed by rolling the roller. Next, you will need to roll the walls in vertical and horizontal stripes. You need to roll until all sectors are completely filled. To facilitate the procedure of painting remote areas, it is recommended to carry out the process using a telescopic handle. The extreme parts of the wall are painted by rolling in vertical stripes from the floor to the ceiling. If you plan to apply several layers of paint, the first layers should be applied horizontally, and the last - vertically. As a result, the final layer should be applied exclusively in vertical stripes, so that visual perception can be improved. Return to Contents</a>
Nuances that should be considered
Acrylic paint for walls dries quickly and has no odor.
Painting walls is quite simple if you know all the existing nuances and have all the necessary tools.