Autumn is the perfect time to put away your summer clothesstorage. How to do it not only quickly, but also correctly? What is needed to ensure that clothes and shoes survive all moth attacks and humidity in the apartment without damage? We tell you in this article. Here comes the middle of October. Autumn is in full swing, which means that a real revolution should take place in the closet: warm jackets - outside, light summer dresses - inside. So that in a year your favorite things will still please you, and before that they did not clutter the apartment, we have prepared simple step-by-step instructions for storing them.
1.Tidy up your clothes The very first thing you should do before putting your summer clothes away on the back shelves is to tidy up each one. Be sure to wash, dry and iron all your clothes, remove any stubborn stains, sew on any missing buttons and make any patches that are needed. As a result, your clothes should be in a condition that you can put them on right away after taking them out of the closet. Even if you have hardly worn a blouse or skirt, never put it away for a long time without cleaning its feathers.
Our opinion:— At the very first stage, be sure to decide whether you will continue to wear all of your clothes. Most likely, there will be at least 2-3 items of clothing that do not fit you in size or that you simply no longer like. To make it easier to sort through your summer clothes, sort them into three piles: keep, throw away, give to friends/friends' children. 2. Sort them The next stage is sorting. If you do not have enough storage containers, it is better to buy them in advance. Boxes, baskets, crates and, of course, plastic containers will do. To avoid wasting time searching for the right item of clothing next summer, it is better to sort things by type (skirts, jeans, T-shirts, swimsuits, etc.), and label opaque storage containers. It is also a good idea to make a paper list of what is where - this will also be very useful to you in a year, when the exact contents of the containers are forgotten.
Our opinion - Some things (for exampleSilk tops, dresses, shirts and linen clothes) need more careful packaging than just putting them in a box. For this case, get some cloth covers for clothes - your favorite blouse will definitely not wrinkle in them. 3. Protect clothes from moths Moths are the main enemy of any clothes, especially those that have been lying in the closet for months. To protect summer clothes, put small sachets in boxes. They not only give clothes a pleasant aroma, but also protect against insects, including moths. It is best to buy special sachets, for example with notes of cedar, which is known to repel moths well.
4.Organize storage wisely Well, now all that's left is a small matter - somewhere to put all the washed, sorted and securely protected things. There are plenty of options in this case: from a regular wardrobe and a mezzanine to drawers under the bed and grandma's chest. The latter, by the way, along with a vintage suitcase, is a favorite storage place among designers. It looks beautiful and does its job perfectly. And if you have very little space in the room, the same chest or suitcase can serve as an excellent table or bedside table.
Our opinion:— Recently we talked about where and how to store things in a small bedroom. If there is absolutely no space there, you can send things that you will not need in the near future to the hallway or living room. And if this is not enough, read about where and how else you can store summer things. 5. Don't forget about shoes Of course, when packing summer clothes, you can't forget about shoes. They also require special storage and careful preparation for winter. It is better to store summer shoes in separate sections, be it boxes or shelves in a closet. And before sending them for storage, be sure to clean them, treat them with special products and place crumpled newspapers inside - they will help the shoes not lose their shape over the winter.
How to unpack and pack summer clothes in half a day: 5 practical tips –