If a few years ago someone had helped ussaid that interiors will be decorated with moss, we would not have believed it, to say the least. So what? Our walls are now decorated with moss paintings. This project is called MOSSdesign and includes decorative wall panels made of living lichen. The idea turned out to be so popular that the author, the Verde Profilo company, supplemented them with other living accessories: it began to create not only floor and wall tiles, but also furniture, interior items, lamps, and carpets. Obviously, this decor can make the interior of an apartment close to “natural”, natural. And city dwellers will be able to take a break from stuffy cities and traffic jams without leaving home or going to the forest. To make the composition look good, designers use a special type of moss that can live for a very long time without any serious care. You just need to maintain the humidity in the room at 50% and ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the lichen.
Now the panels are made of canned andSeveral companies are already producing moss purified from microorganisms. And they can already be bought in Moscow. For example, the company "Prostranstvo Plus" has such panels. They cost 673 euros per square meter. Quite expensive, but comparable to the cost of a painting by a little-known modern artist. The size is about the same, and everyone can buy a painting for themselves, but to decorate a house with moss panels…
Moss a porous: "live" panels for the house